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publish objects from script without cache clear

publish objects from script without cache clear

Wednesday 05 January 2011 4:34:00 am - 8 replies

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Nicolas Pastorino

Wednesday 05 January 2011 6:13:12 am

Hi Marko !

The brute-force approach would be to duplicate the $OperationList['publish'] operation (from kernel/content/operation_definition.php) in a custom module, and comment out the part related to cache clearing :

array( 'type' => 'method',
                                                           'name' => 'clear-object-view-cache',
                                                           'frequency' => 'once',
                                                           'method' => 'clearObjectViewCache',
                                                           'parameters' => array(  array( 'name' => 'object_id',
                                                                                          'type' => 'integer',
                                                                                          'required' => true ),
                                                                                   array( 'name' => 'version',
                                                                                          'type' => 'integer',
                                                                                          'required' => true ) ) ),
                                                    // PreGeneration: This generates view cache for a given set of users if enabled
                                                    array( 'type' => 'method',
                                                           'name' => 'generate-object-view-cache',
                                                           'frequency' => 'once',
                                                           'method' => 'generateObjectViewCache',
                                                           'parameters' => array(  array( 'name' => 'object_id',
                                                                                          'type' => 'integer',
                                                                                          'required' => true ) ) ),

You can then call your module's custom 'publish' operation from PHP.

I must confess i never tried this myself, so i'll be glad to hear about your experiment :)

Cheers !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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gilles guirand

Wednesday 05 January 2011 8:19:17 am

You could also play with the setVariable (eZINI) method to temporary unset some ini (like the smart view cache)

@Nicolas : I found today another method in Kaliop's code (@g4vroche copyright)

private function disablePublishOperation( $index )
        if( !isset( $GLOBALS['eZGlobalModuleOperationList']['content'] ) )
            $moduleOperationInfo = new eZModuleOperationInfo( 'content', false );

            $GLOBALS['eZGlobalModuleOperationList']['content'] = $moduleOperationInfo;

        unset(  $GLOBALS['eZGlobalModuleOperationList']['content']->OperationList['publish']['body'][$index] );


So, to disable cache cleaning :

self::disablePublishOperation( 13 );
 self::disablePublishOperation( 14 );

Gilles Guirand
eZ Community Board Member

Bertrand Dunogier

Wednesday 05 January 2011 8:40:56 am

As far as I remember, cache won't be cleared if ViewCache is disabled.

eZINI::instance()->setVariable( 'ContentSettings', 'ViewCaching', 'disabled' );

Try this before running the import.

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

Nicolas Pastorino

Wednesday 05 January 2011 8:51:03 am

@Nicolas : I found today another method in Kaliop's code (@g4vroche copyright)

private function disablePublishOperation( $index )
        if( !isset( $GLOBALS['eZGlobalModuleOperationList']['content'] ) )
            $moduleOperationInfo = new eZModuleOperationInfo( 'content', false );

            $GLOBALS['eZGlobalModuleOperationList']['content'] = $moduleOperationInfo;

        unset(  $GLOBALS['eZGlobalModuleOperationList']['content']->OperationList['publish']['body'][$index] );


So, to disable cache cleaning :

self::disablePublishOperation( 13 );
 self::disablePublishOperation( 14 );

Nifty trick, well done @g4vroche

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

eZ Publish Community on twitter:

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Marko Žmak

Wednesday 05 January 2011 9:15:10 am

@gilles: It's a really nice trick, but I'm looking for a more "clean" way. Because if the order of operations for "content,publish" changes this trick won't work unless you change the index in the disablePublishOperation() call

@Bertrand: This looks like the right way to do it. But shouldn't I also disable the TemplateCache in order to disable clearing of template cache blocks? Are there any other settings that should be disabled in order to fully disable the cache clearing?

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Marko Žmak

Thursday 06 January 2011 12:48:38 pm

OK, after further investigation I came to this conclusions...

The solution Bertrand suggested should be extended to disable other caching mechanisms, so it should be like this:

eZINI::instance()->setVariable( 'ContentSettings', 'ViewCaching', 'disabled' );
eZINI::instance()->setVariable( 'ContentSettings', 'StaticCache', 'disabled' );
eZINI::instance()->setVariable( 'ContentSettings', 'PreViewCache', 'disabled' );

The solution gilles suggested can be enhanced a little bit by finding the array value to unset via its name. When set this way works even better that disabling the cache via ini settings.

So I made a better function:

function disableModuleOperation( $moduleName, $operationName, $operationPartName )
        if( !isset( $GLOBALS['eZGlobalModuleOperationList'][$moduleName] ) )
                $moduleOperationInfo = new eZModuleOperationInfo( $moduleName, false );

                $GLOBALS['eZGlobalModuleOperationList'][$moduleName] = $moduleOperationInfo;

        if (!isset($GLOBALS['eZGlobalModuleOperationList'][$moduleName]->OperationList[$operationName]))

        $index = -1;

        foreach ($GLOBALS['eZGlobalModuleOperationList'][$moduleName]->OperationList[$operationName]['body'] as $key => $operationPart)
                if ($operationPart['name'] == $operationPartName)
                        $index = $key;

        if ($index >= 0)
                unset( $GLOBALS['eZGlobalModuleOperationList'][$moduleName]->OperationList[$operationName]['body'][$index] );

which would then be used like this:

disableModuleOperation('content', 'publish', 'clear-object-view-cache');

This is a more safer way to unset a part of the module operation because it relies on the name of the part which is less likely to change than the index.

I also found that there are several other parts that can be excluded when importing objects in a script:

  • pre_publish - if you don't want pre publish triggers to be executed
  • post_publish - if you don't want post publish triggers to be executedh
  • generate-object-view-cache - no preview cache generation
  • create-notification - if you don't want to generate notifications for the imported objects
  • register-search-object - to disable the search indexing (the reindexing can be done after the import)

Furthermore, I found that disabling "register-search-object" gives you the biggest speedup, especially if you're using ezfind. In my case the import went 100 times faster (without exaggeration). And you can always do the complete reindexing after the import.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Bertrand Dunogier

Friday 07 January 2011 3:00:34 am

The stuff in this thread is really cool !

Being able to disable parts of an operation is actually one of our plans for the Asynchronous publishing feature. The goal is partially implement the ezpContentPublishingStategy concept introduced when presenting the future PHP API skeletons. The default strategy would run everything, while custom strategies could be created, and set as the default one in order to skip some operation methods.

Chances are big that i'll work on that today, I'll let you know.

Also note that Asynchronous publishing should make import MUCH faster as well... the content/publish operation executed in the script will be asynchronous, and will be actually executed by the daemon. If you don't need your items details (you can still use the content object ids, etc, but the object might not be published), it should make imports much faster.

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

Marko Žmak

Tuesday 31 May 2011 1:57:37 am

The stuff in this thread is really cool !

Being able to disable parts of an operation is actually one of our plans for the Asynchronous publishing feature. The goal is partially implement the ezpContentPublishingStategy concept introduced when presenting the future PHP API skeletons. The default strategy would run everything, while custom strategies could be created, and set as the default one in order to skip some operation methods.

Now that the async publishing feature is out, could you shed some light about this one?

Do we have the way to disable parts of publish operation?

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

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