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eZFind facets problem with ezselection datatype indexed as text

eZFind facets problem with ezselection datatype indexed as text

Wednesday 13 January 2010 12:18:42 am - 12 replies

Author Message

Paul Borgermans

Wednesday 13 January 2010 7:34:13 am

Mapping ezselection to string is the right solution with eZ Find 2.1

Declaring it as text means it is subjected to transformations like stemming (which removes the "s" at the end) and tokenizing


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

H-Works Agency

Tuesday 26 January 2010 3:14:13 am

I am having a hard time with faceting on a ezselection attribute with multiple select.

I want to return possible "ezselection" values with number of results in each :

  • Should i use ezfind facets ?
  • Should i use a foreach on attributes values ?

The problem when i use facets is that it returns every combination of values.

For example :

I have those ezselection attribute values (with multi-selection enabled) : funk, rock, electro...etc

I want my facet query to return this :

  • funk (2)
  • electro (3)
  • rock (3)
  • ...etc.

Even if some object have funk + electro selected i don't want to have facets like :

  • funk(2)
  • electro (3)
  • funk electro (1)
  • electro rock (1)
  • ...etc

Which is what is happening now when using facets with ezselection mapped to 'string'. It show all combination a values used.

Does anyone has a clue ? Thanks in advance.

EZP is Great

Bartek Modzelewski

Wednesday 27 January 2010 5:32:08 am

Hi Martin,

I thought that we won't need multiple select in our project, but finally we need and we've got exactly the same problem. No solution for now.


Paul Borgermans

Wednesday 27 January 2010 6:22:05 am


The problem is actually in the ezselection datatype metaData() implementation, which conctenates the multiple selections

I'll see if I can get this fixed in the kernel, if not a new datatype handler in ez find is needed

You can file a bug on this one in the ez find issue tracker


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

H-Works Agency

Wednesday 27 January 2010 10:31:33 am

Ok Paul thank you a lot.

Until a fix i will loop class attribute values and won't display number of results.

EZP is Great

Matthieu Sévère

Monday 08 March 2010 7:16:29 am

Hello Paul,

I am having exactly the same problem. I didn't see any commit about that an the kernel and in ezfind. Can you tell me if this issue is resolved ?

Thanks !!

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Sander van den Akker

Tuesday 14 June 2011 12:13:13 pm

Any updates on this?

eZ Publish certified developer

Gaetano Giunta

Tuesday 14 June 2011 1:17:08 pm

Gonna post soon an alternate ezselection indexer that allows proper faceting. It should also help with non-applying-text-transforms, even though I did nit test it for that. Stay tuned...

Principal Consultant International Business
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Sander van den Akker

Wednesday 15 June 2011 1:22:24 am


eZ Publish certified developer

Jordan Hirsch

Tuesday 12 July 2011 3:13:51 pm


Please count me as another enthusiastic vote for a new ezselection indexer.  I'm also stuck between having truncated lower-case terms (as facets) when I index my ezselections as text fields, or having multiple selections crammed together into 1 string when I index them as strings.

Really looking forward to getting around this issue!

Has anyone posted a bug about this?  And/or was there a kernel fix released?

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Jordan Hirsch

Thursday 14 July 2011 11:50:27 am

We have a solution!  My talented co-worker David Sayre did the majority of the work on this, and we're happy to share it with everyone.

Basically we created a new class that handles the indexing of ezselection datatype attributes, and passes their values as an array to Solr rather than a string with spaces in it.

Wasn't sure of the best way to put this out there other than pasting it here, so please let me know if there's a better one.

NB:  I had to completely blow away the contents of /usr/local/solr/java/solr/data/index/ before this would take affect, but YMMV.

To implement:

  1. Add the following to your ezfind.ini override file:
  2. Add this file to your custom extension's "classes" folder as ezfsolrdocumentfieldselection.php
// COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Copyright (C) 1999-2010 eZ Systems AS
// SOFTWARE LICENSE: GNU General Public License v2.0
// NOTICE: >
//   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//   modify it under the terms of version 2.0  of the GNU General
//   Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//   GNU General Public License for more details.
//   You should have received a copy of version 2.0 of the GNU General
//   Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
//   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
//   MA 02110-1301, USA.

 * Based off of the ezfSolrDocumentFieldDummyExample class.
 * This class addresses an issue with indexing the ezselection datatype
 * for multi-select fields.
 * By default, ezselection fields are stored as "text" fields in Solr.  However, this leads to undesired transformation
 * of the values, e.g. "Europe" gets stored in Solr as "europ".
 * A workaround for this is to tell Solr to store ezselection data in "string" fields.  This works fine for single-select
 * ezselection fields.  However, an issue arises with multi-select ezselection fields, namely the values get strung together,
 * e.g. "Europe USA" would get stored for an item with "Europe" and "USA" both selected.
 * This is a result of the implementation of the "metaData" function in kernel/classes/datatypes/ezselection/ezselectiontype.php.
 * This class gets around that problem by passing an array() of values to Solr rather than a space-joined string for multiple selections.
 * ======================
 * To tell eZ Find to use this class:
 * 1)  Place this file in extension/[your_extension]/classes/
 * 2)  Add the following to your ezfind.ini override:
 *        [SolrFieldMapSettings]
 *        CustomMap[ezselection]=ezfSolrDocumentFieldSelection
 * ======================
 * More information:
 * ======================
 * @author David Sayre, Jordan Hirsch via Beaconfire -

class ezfSolrDocumentFieldSelection extends ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase
     * Contains the definition of subattributes for this given datatype.
     * This associative array takes as key the name of the field, and as value
     * the type. The type must be picked amongst the value present as keys in the
     * following array :
     * ezfSolrDocumentFieldName::$FieldTypeMap
     * WARNING : this definition *must* contain the default attribute's one as well.
     * @see ezfSolrDocumentFieldName::$FieldTypeMap
     * @var array
    public static $subattributesDefinition = array( self::DEFAULT_SUBATTRIBUTE => 'string' );
    // public static $subattributesDefinition = array( self::DEFAULT_SUBATTRIBUTE => 'text',
                                                    //self::DEFAULT_SUBATTRIBUTE => 'string' );

     * The name of the default subattribute. It will be used when
     * this field is requested with no subfield refinement.
     * @see ezfSolrDocumentFieldSelection::$subattributesDefinition
     * @var string
    const DEFAULT_SUBATTRIBUTE = 'data_type_string';

     * @see ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::__construct()
    function __construct( eZContentObjectAttribute $attribute )
        parent::__construct( $attribute );

     * @see ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::getData()
    public function getData()
        // Extract data from the attribute, and format it as described in the doc link above.
        $data = array();
        $contentClassAttribute = $this->ContentObjectAttribute->attribute( 'contentclass_attribute' ); //get class attribute
        $metaData = array();
        $classAttributeContent = self::getSelectClassContent($contentClassAttribute); //parse selection options into array
        $selectedValue = $idString = explode( '-', $this->ContentObjectAttribute->attribute( 'data_text' ) );

       if ( count( $selectedValue ) > 0)
            $count = 0;
               $optionArray = $classAttributeContent['options'];
               foreach ( $selectedValue as $id )
                   foreach ( $optionArray as $option )
                       $optionID = $option['id'];
                       if ( $optionID == $id )
                           $metaData[] = $option['name'];

        if( !is_array( $metaData ) ) $metaData = array( $metaData );

        $fieldName = self::getFieldName( $contentClassAttribute, self::DEFAULT_SUBATTRIBUTE );
        $data[$fieldName] = $metaData;
        return $data;

     * @see ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::getFieldName()
    public static function getFieldName( eZContentClassAttribute $classAttribute, $subAttribute = null )
        if ( $subAttribute and
             $subAttribute !== '' and
             array_key_exists( $subAttribute, self::$subattributesDefinition ) and
             $subAttribute != self::DEFAULT_SUBATTRIBUTE )
            // A subattribute was passed
            return parent::generateSubattributeFieldName( $classAttribute,
                                                          self::$subattributesDefinition[$subAttribute] );
            // return the default field name here.
            return parent::generateAttributeFieldName( $classAttribute,
                                                       self::$subattributesDefinition[self::DEFAULT_SUBATTRIBUTE] );

     * @see ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::getFieldNameList()
    public static function getFieldNameList( eZContentClassAttribute $classAttribute, $exclusiveTypeFilter = array() )
        // Generate the list of subfield names.
        $subfields = array();

        //   Handle first the default subattribute
        $subattributesDefinition = self::$subattributesDefinition;
        if ( !in_array( $subattributesDefinition[self::DEFAULT_SUBATTRIBUTE], $exclusiveTypeFilter ) )
            $subfields[] = parent::generateAttributeFieldName( $classAttribute, $subattributesDefinition[self::DEFAULT_SUBATTRIBUTE] );
        unset( $subattributesDefinition[self::DEFAULT_SUBATTRIBUTE] );

        //   Then hanlde all other subattributes
        foreach ( $subattributesDefinition as $name => $type )
            if ( empty( $exclusiveTypeFilter ) or !in_array( $type, $exclusiveTypeFilter ) )
                $subfields[] = parent::generateSubattributeFieldName( $classAttribute, $name, $type );
        return $subfields;

      * Copy from kernel/datatype/ezselection/ezselection.php
     * Returns the content data for the given content class attribute.
     * //do NOT collide function or variables with existing
    static function getSelectClassContent(eZContentClassAttribute $selectClassAttrib )
        $dom = new DOMDocument( '1.0', 'utf-8' );
        $xmlString = $selectClassAttrib->attribute( 'data_text5' );
        $optionArray = array();
        if ( $xmlString != '' )
            $success = $dom->loadXML( $xmlString );
            if ( $success )
                $options = $dom->getElementsByTagName( 'option' );

                foreach ( $options as $optionNode )
                    $optionArray[] = array( 'id' => $optionNode->getAttribute( 'id' ),
                                            'name' => $optionNode->getAttribute( 'name' ) );

        if ( count( $optionArray ) == 0 )
            $optionArray[] = array( 'id' => 0,
                                    'name' => '' );
        $attrValue = array( 'options' => $optionArray,
                            'is_multiselect' => $selectClassAttrib->attribute( 'data_int1' ) );
        return $attrValue;

     * @see ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::getClassAttributeType()
    static function getClassAttributeType( eZContentClassAttribute $classAttribute, $subAttribute = null )
        if ( $subAttribute and
             $subAttribute !== '' and
             array_key_exists( $subAttribute, self::$subattributesDefinition ) )
            // If a subattribute's type is being explicitly requested :
            return self::$subattributesDefinition[$subAttribute];
            // If no subattribute is passed, return the default subattribute's type :
            return self::$subattributesDefinition[self::DEFAULT_SUBATTRIBUTE];

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Gaetano Giunta

Monday 18 July 2011 6:48:38 am

PS: seems I missed to post my solution to this thread. You can find it at:

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