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Thursday 23 June 2011 4:08:07 pm - 1 reply
Thiago Campos Viana
Thursday 23 June 2011 5:19:03 pm
PS: This post is about your last forum topic with this same name.
I made a test here and could see the plugin you had post in your last forum topic has nothing special:
{ezcss_require( 'liteaccordion.css' )} <div id="one" class="accordion"> <ol> <li> <h2><span>Slide One</span></h2> <div> <div class="figure"> <img src={"1.jpg"|ezimage} alt="image" /> <div class="figcaption">I can haz big caek?</div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <h2><span>Slide Two</span></h2> <div> <div class="figure"> <img src={"2.jpg"|ezimage} alt="image" /> <div class="figcaption">I can haz big caek?</div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <h2><span>Slide Three</span></h2> <div> <div class="figure"> <img src={"2a.jpg"|ezimage} alt="image" /> <div class="figcaption">I can haz big caek?</div> </div> </div> </li> </ol> <noscript> <p>Please enable JavaScript to get the full experience.</p> </noscript> </div> {ezscript_require( array('ezjsc::jquery', 'liteaccordion.jquery.js') )} <script> // liteAccordion demos $('#one').liteAccordion({ldelim} onActivate : function() {ldelim} this.find('.figcaption').fadeOut(); {rdelim}, slideCallback : function() {ldelim} this.find('.figcaption').fadeIn(); {rdelim}, autoPlay : true, pauseOnHover : true, theme : 'dark', rounded : true, enumerateSlides : true {rdelim}).find('.figcaption:first').show(); </script>
Please, read carefully the jquery plugin tutorial.
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