Arnaud Lafon
Tuesday 25 November 2008 4:56:17 am
Hi, First, as far as I know, attribute_filter will only work with the Object Relation datatype but It won't work with the Object Relation<b>s</b> one. Are you using the correct datatype ? Then, If I read the example 12 on this page, you should use the object ID instead of the related object name. Hope this helps Arnaud
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gareth eke
Tuesday 25 November 2008 5:12:30 am
thanks for the reply Arnaud, yes, just to confirm i am using the Object relation, and not post was a bit ambiguous
gareth eke
Tuesday 25 November 2008 5:41:09 am
doh! how typical is that, i couldn't solve this for weeks, so worked on other things instead. Then as soon as i post to the forum i accidentally stumble on how to fetch the results i want, using $ as below! thanks to Arnaud and anyone else who took any time considering my question Gareth {def $score_count = fetch( 'content', 'tree_count', hash( 'parent_node_id', 2, 'class_filter_type', 'include', 'class_filter_array', array( '47' ), 'attribute_filter', array( array( 'score/player_name', '=', $ ) ) ) )}
Simon Boyer
Wednesday 13 July 2011 8:05:11 am
Hi, I added an extension to fetch objects with object relation(s) filter : This extension provides an extended attribute filter to use with fetch functions.
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