Community Project Board meeting minutes - June 28th

Wednesday 29 June 2011 3:25:40 pm

By : Gaetano Giunta

Here are the minutes of the 8th Community Project Board meeting. Our previous minutes can be found here.


Andrew excused himself.

Event planner

Gilles started developing this. It will be made available on as an extension. README/INSTALL file to come. In 1 week from now : opening on and possible dispatch of work. Enhancements have been brought in (compared to the wireframes) along the way. Estimate work left to have this finished - if one-person only three more weeks, less if more people. Nicolas will be helping for integration on (varnish-driven development).


Creation of eZ Conference slides by Nicolas, can be used for evangelism.
Link :
Action: do more

Build automation

Action: Ole Marius and Gaetano to discuss availability to produce automation plan prior to next board meeting and will report back.
Side-note: tags to be added on master branch on github when building the CP.

Manual things on every build : Version nb, changelog, package repo.

Sketch of build procedure :
 - have an ez publish git checkout
 - git stash the ongoing work, if any
 - create the changelog since last SHA (SHA found in Jenkins, as info under last CP build). Two scripts used today to format the Changelog : Ruby script by Ole Marius + changelog.php by Bertrand. git log <SHA>..HEAD
 - remove the ongoing 4.x changelog in doc/changelogs/unstable
 - copy the refined-changelog into the the doc/changelog/... folder
 - then git diff --no-prefix , name the patch with sequential number
 - commit this patch to the CI repo, community-build branch, in ezpublish/branches/github/patches
 - then click the "Build now" button in Jenkins, after having navigate to the ezpublish-full-git job
Idea :
 - automate the generation of the patch, so that only clicking the "Build now" button is required.
 - make sure the ezsite_data entries are modified too
Have the first step of the automation scripted one week before the next build (ie : 11th of July).
Ole Marius & Gaetano are working asynchronously on this.
Parked for now :

  • Skeleton/automation for upgrade doc
  • Release notes

Coding standards

RFC in progress, a few more weeks before final publication. 15 comments so far on the RFC.

Ideal pull request

Ole Marius prepared a wiki page, based on the tutorial's contents. The idea is to strip it down to a series of command-lines examples. On top, the "ideal pull-request" description can be added there. Example :
Action [Ole Marius or eZ Engineering]: Strip down the content of the above.
Action [Robin {helped by Nicolas}]: Need to update the tutorial about git/github: explain how to install eZ Publish from the Github fork.

Mission statement

Action [Nicolas]: Relocate Community Board Mission Statement from Develop page to Get Involved page.
Action [Andrew]: Sketch out revised layout for Develop page to draw more attention to the development resources.
Action[Gaetano/Robin/Ole Marius] : Upgrade instructions
On, linked to from the download page, tool TBD (script?), semi-automated,
The skeleton used for semi-automation should be based on this :
Scripts for generating the upgrade document automatically, off the skeleton. The possible differences from build to build are :

  • DB update scripts
  • PHP scripts

inserted on a per-build basis. Output : ezxml text.
Location of this script : SVN repository.
Deadline : 2 weeks.


Created shared dropbox for use by community board :

Open eZ Doc

Geir Arne is ok on the principle. Tagging the doc contents per version should be working (PHP example. Open-doc idea accepted too by Geir Arne. Need for a dev resource to make this happen.
Action [Ole Marius]: ask Geir Arne to produce his view on these (wireframes, functional description, concrete) two points : tagging + user generated content.
Deadline : loose, Geir Arne soon off.
Reply to Geoff
Action [Ole Marius]: Respond to forum post by Geoff Bentley. Respond saying we likely won’t change version naming, however we are looking to improve documentation through tagging versions.
Ole Marius prepared a response for this, explaining the tagging concept we are to use on

Versions map between EE / CP

Action [Nicolas]: Create visual timeline mapping builds between Enterprise and Community editions.
example :
Action [Nicolas]: Add visual map on the main Downloads page.

Distribution of eZ CP

Gaetano investigated this. The Postgresql seem to have a channel to distribute "any" software.
Action [Gaetano] : update on the feasibility/conditions
Deadline : next meeting.
Feedback from Microsoft on the pre-requisites for building the Web installer. 

Action [Gaetano]: will test builds and send the link around for testing before making this channel an integral part of the distribution process. ( )
On top of freshmeat ( + sourceforge (
General side-note on new distribution channels : some follow-up is absolutely required when tapping into "new" communities (specially the less technical communities).

Release policy

Published :

Next build : 2011.7

July 18th.

Next meeting

July 19th 2011, 15:00 CET.

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