Hyperroad Design GmbH

Hyperroad Design GmbH

z. Hd. Marco Zinn

Dammstr. 26

76669 Bad Schönborn


hr @ hyperroad-design.com


Phone: +49 17662039127

  • Silver Partner

Hyperroad Design GmbH, Germany

Webservice: Von der Konzeption bis zur Veröffentlichung

Da alle Fragen und Aufgaben bezüglich Ihres Internet-Auftrittes eng in Verbindung stehen, unterstützen wir Sie gerne vom ersten Konzept bis zur laufenden Pflege Ihrer Webseiten. Selbstverständlich können Sie auch einzelne Teile unseres Angebotes in Anspruch nehmen. Dazu sind technische und organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen notwendig, die wir gerne persönlich mit Ihnen besprechen. Zusammen mit Ihnen erstellen wir einen vollständigen Internet-Auftritt basierend auf Ihrem Corporate Design. Die Größe Ihres Auftritts kann von einer kleinen Visitenkarte bis hin zum mehrsprachigen Webportal reichen. Je nach Anforderungen können wir Ihren Internetauftritt als sog. statische Webseite oder mit dem leistungsstarken Redaktionssystem eZ Publish realisieren.

Wir setzen eZ Publish seit mehreren Jahren ein und erstellen professionelle Webauftritte, von der Vereinsseite bis hin zum mehrsprachigen Unternehmensportal. Mehr Details finden Sie auf unserer Webseite.

Hyperroad Design GmbH references (6)


Teamroom24 - http://www.teamroom24.de

The platform enables distributed teams or groups of people in smaller organizational structures to work together online, without having to worry about complex hardware infrastructure or complicated software installations.

With Teamroom24 it is easy to exchange information in a simple and efficient way. All team members can access up- to-date information worldwide, make changes to and participate actively in the project. This not only strengthens the WE- spirit but it also motivates all team members and hence has a positive effect on the results. The modules provided allow for transparent project planning, ensuring an efficient allocation of valuable resources during the project. In the end, this will help the project-manager to save a lot of stress in the "hot phase".

"Out of the box", the customer receives a ready-to-run, easy-to- use and secure collaboration solution on the Internet.

Using the Teamroom24 solution, entrepreneurs, freelancers or small companies can collaborate online with their customers. As another example, sports clubs can collaborate in temporary work groups to organize a large tournament.

The hosted rental solution is available in the package sizes S (mall), M(edium) and L(arge) and is offered as a “Software as a Service“ (SaaS) solution. The size of a particular teamroom defines the data storage size limit and the maximum amount of team members with access to that room. Through the different sizes, each customer can rent rooms, that will exactly fit their specific project needs.

Customers manage their Teamrooms by themselves. They choose the desired building blocks, such as a discussion forum, Wiki, task management, team calendars and invite new team members. For each team member, an individual authorization profile can be defined for the given teamroom.

In order to implement these restrictions, the eZ Teamroom extension was enhanced, so both customers and Hyperroad Design can see the current "utilization rate" of any given Teamroom. Should a Teamroom become “too small“, a customer can easily upgrade to the next Teamroom size.

The promotional page www.teamroom24.de is also implemented with eZ Publish and contains information on the Teamroom24 product as well as the main elements of the accompanying campaign "Discover the WE-spirit - be better together!"

Hyperroad Design received the eZ Award "Solution of the year" for Teamroom24.

fahrradwege.de - www.fahrradwege.de

The portal www.fahrradwege.de offers information about cycleways in Germany. The different cycle routes, pictures, comments are user generated content posted by the community. The Google-services Google-AdSendse and Google-Analytics are integrated in the website
as well as a specifc Amazon-Shop and a Twitter-Feed.
Dental Planet

Dental Planet - http://www.dental-planet.eu/

Since the establishment of the dental practice in 1998 in Spain, it is the business of dental planet to enable people to put on a bright smile. Since then, dental planet has permanently improved their services and technical capabilities.

Hyperroad Design relaunched the website with eZ publish and created the new design.
Institut of geography and geoecology, University Karlsruhe

Institut of geography and geoecology, University Karlsruhe - http://www.ifgg.uni-karlsruhe.de/

Together with staff from the institut of geography and geoecology of Karlsruhe University Hyperroad Design did work out the instituts' new web presence. Emphasis of the joint effort lay on systeminstallation on University webhosting servers as well as template design. The new design was devised in close relationship to the proposed coporate identity design of KIT, Karlsruhe Institut of Technology.

Since further operation of the installation is deligated to university members, institut staff received training in template design, stylesheet handling and usermanagement.
DBK David+Baader GmbH

DBK David+Baader GmbH - http://www.dbk-group.de/

Everybody needs heat – DBK stands for creative heating

DBK stands for innovative heating solutions resulting from high competence. The services that they offer are not merely restricted to ready-made solutions, they are primarily oriented to the realisation of ideas and wishes and would like to help the customer to solve individual problems.

With eZ Publish the DBK Group got the easy-to-use CMS they were looking for and with Hyperroad Design they found the competent partner for training, design and development.

Bergwinkelfeuerwehren - http://www.bergwinkelfeuerwehren.de

All firedepartements of the city "Schlüchtern" are presenting the fireengines and emergencies. The main goal was to keep the site easy and well structured. Special icons used for the searchresult and the "latest"-box help the user to categorize the content.


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