Tuesday 31 August 2010 6:21:31 am - 6 replies
Tuesday 31 August 2010 8:14:59 am
Is it possible to create a OR statement inside AND ?
Something like (A OR B) AND C ?
Yannick Komotir
Tuesday 31 August 2010 8:55:02 am
I don't think it's possible with regular filtering (like with ezfind), look at nxc extended filter or create your own extend filter.
<|- Software Engineer @ eZ Publish developpers -|> @ http://twitter.com/yannixk
Tuesday 31 August 2010 9:04:15 am
Thanks Yannick,
I'll try this tomorrow.
Gaetano Giunta
Tuesday 31 August 2010 1:00:56 pm
One thing: the wildcard character for 'like' is '%', not '*'
Principal Consultant International Business Member of the Community Project Board
Thursday 02 September 2010 1:45:25 am
I just tried Gaetano : the wildcard '%' doesn't work at all. It is really '*' like it is said in the template operators documentation :
I'm sorry Yannick I doesn't have had time to try this, I merged my datas in a hidden field who is updated automaticaly instead.
Thank you eveybody !
Thursday 02 September 2010 1:53:08 am
In fact, the probleme about the name field was just an error in my code :
if($nom != ""){ $criteres[] = array('etablissement/nom', 'like', "*$nom*"); $criteres[] = array('etablissement/nom_enseigne', 'like', "*$nom*"); }
But the two fields are not always filled and not always with the same datas... (shame on me).
So it is fixed.
Thank you again guys.
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