If you are running the content/edit view from your custom module's code, through a redirection (in this the case ? ) once the form was submitted, post data is not forwarded. The computeRedirect(...) method can then rely on the session variable called 'RedirectURIAfterPublish'. An idea can be to set this variable in session from your custom code, based on the according value posted, before running the content/edit view, and un-setting it after the execution.
Let us know how things go, Cheers,
Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board
i don't run the content/edit module through a redirection. I run the view trough the $module->run(...); function. So the post variables are deliviered correctly to the content/edit view, also the "RedirectURIAfterPublish"-session variable is set correctly.
the following statements inside the computeRedirect-function are called with my custom redirect-uri.
but after the content/edit is proceeded, i got redirected to /mymodule/myview/objectID instead of to the value of my RedirectURIAfterPublish-input field.
Side-remark : It appears that this code is reproducing features (access right check, version increment) served by action.php/edit.php, whilst not adding real customization (from what i can see, maybe not all the code was pasted). A more maintainable alternative is to use a custom edit handler, run on top of the normal code for editing content. More information on this : http://serwatka.net/blog/do_you_need_action.
Concerning your module : i believe that echo'ing the result of the 'content' module's view is the reason why no redirection occurs. Usually modules neither echo, nor return anything , they just populate the various entries in the $moduleResult variable. Have you tried removing the last "echo" line ?
Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board