eZ Classlists and eZ 4.5

eZ Classlists and eZ 4.5

Wednesday 22 June 2011 2:45:32 am - 6 replies

Author Message

Edi Modrić

Wednesday 22 June 2011 4:23:22 am

Hi Ludovic

ezi18n function was deprecated some time ago and subsequently removed from eZ Publish.

You need to either find a newer version of that extension that uses the new functions for translating the text or hack the extension and replace calls to ezi18n with calls to ezpI18n::tr function.

eZ Publish certified developer


Damien Pobel

Wednesday 22 June 2011 5:49:34 am


I'm the original author of ezclasslists extension and I must admit that I have done nothing on it for months (almost 2 years :() even if there are some bugs to fix like this one and I have several improvements in mind...

To fix this, Edi is right, you have to replace all ezi18n() function call in PHP by ezI18n::tr(). I'll try to provide a new version quickly...


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Nicolas Pastorino

Wednesday 22 June 2011 6:02:04 am

Hi Ludovic, 

Building off what Damien said : go the open-source way ! 

You can make the modifications (which you will need anyways), and after having become a member of the project (click the right-column button once logged-in there : http://projects.ez.no/ezclasslists/team/members ) please contribute back the modifications.

That is the way to rock in the eZ Community.

By the way : welcome aboard !


Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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Damien Pobel

Wednesday 22 June 2011 2:04:36 pm


I released eZ Class Lists 1.2 where this issue is fixed. I also made several improvements see http://projects.ez.no/ezclasslists/news/release_of_ez_class_lists_1_2 (or in french if you prefer http://pwet.fr/blog/ez_class_lists_1_2 )


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Ludovic lacaze

Thursday 23 June 2011 2:15:53 am



Damien, thanks for the release.

Nicolas I don't say no to the open source way, I will try to find a project to give a hand, or to publish issue fix if I make some.


Nicolas Pastorino

Thursday 23 June 2011 2:43:16 am

Nicolas I don't say no to the open source way, I will try to find a project to give a hand, or to publish issue fix if I make some.

Awesome !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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