New Article Section on

New Article Section on

Friday 20 January 2006 5:04:31 am - 9 replies

Author Message

kracker (the)

The Doctor

Friday 20 January 2006 10:30:55 am

Nice to hear about site improvements before they are implemented.

<i>But as for author info, feedback, etc ... what's the point?</i>

With a total of ... 9 articles in the last 12 months.

Only eZ systems posts (or has the ability to post) to the `community` articles category.

eZ systems makes references to allowing eZ partners being able to submit articles (and get points for them) but ... when has anyone seen this happen?

<i>not that any of us lowly users have anything much to say for the next 6 months ...</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Sandro Groganz

Thursday 26 January 2006 9:42:58 am

@kracker: what do you suggest?

Sandro Groganz
Chief Knowledge Officer

kracker (the)

The Doctor

Friday 27 January 2006 4:27:16 am


<b>Simple</b>. I suggest allowing the registered users of to submit articles to the article section on

<b>Change</b>. Leverage the collective knowledge of the contributing members of the community to expand the knowlegebase, howtos, tutorials, etc available for eZ publish.

<b>Open</b>. As it stands now, is a read-only community when it comes to , and and if you want to document a solution, tutorial, article, etc the option available to the users is .. write a forum thread.

<b>Listen</b>. Comparing to just about _any_ other free / open source software community site is ... depressing in this regard.

just `our` two cents ...
Man'sbestfriend : Dream I Had On My `26th` Birthday</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Per-Espen Kindblad

Friday 27 January 2006 5:20:09 am

I agree. There exist much docs. on ez publish from forum-users, and I've also written some , i.e.:
- usermanuals for users, administrators and developers in different languages
- "Solutions - the 100 most common eZ publish questions and explanations"
- "The use of WebTrends and Webalizer together with eZ publish"
but not all of these are free/Open source. Therefore I cannot post the url to the website where I have all this docs. in this forum, because it will be seen as that I market own commercial "products" which is not allowed (ez forum policy).

I understand that it's not good to allow to market commercial products in the forum, but why not create a page where such information can be available as an alternative or addition to the ez docs., since much of this documentation from users of the forum are very useful and necessary to guide new users/potential customers into the world of eZ publish?`

Just a tip :)

Kristof Coomans

Friday 27 January 2006 9:21:13 am

The new documentation was a great improvement, but there are still missing parts like non-documented template operators and parameters for template operators that are added in newer releases of eZ 3.6/3.7. To me it seems that the docs don't get updated, while documenting should be a continueous process.

Personally, I'm a proponent of wiki-like community-driven documentation.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

kracker (the)

The Doctor

Wednesday 01 February 2006 9:29:56 pm

Lukasz gave a brief rundown of future changes to including the article section:

Here is a list of the items planned for enhancement and additional functionality:

    * Articles section
    * Contributions
    * Forums
    * Code snippets
    * Affiliates
    * Tip of the day ( users can contribute )
    * Polls
    * How-to section
    * Community blogs ( users can create a blog which will be fed to planet eZ publish )

This is surely great news. Still I wonder why the only items noted as (users can contribute ) were Tips of the day and Community blogs. Perhaps this was an oversight as users can already submit to Contributions and Forums.

I think that users should also be able to submit Code snippets, HOWTOs, Articles and Documentation (re: or

Several other users have already stated here as well as elsewhere in the forums, reasons for user submissions to the main documentation including revising existing documentation pages and creating new documentation pages.

Are other users looking to see the site grow to support user contribution in these additional areas as well? Further suggestion on areas of improvement?

"...we are more the same, than different."</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Sandro Groganz

Thursday 02 February 2006 1:26:18 am

Rest assured that we will open up possibilities for the community to contribute wherever requested and possible.

We want to take this step-by-step and involve the community from the very beginning.

The article section is the first step: we provided the spec for discussion, we will implement it - and everyone will be able to contribute an article. Watch out this space and the community news for further details, which will be presented in a few days...

Sandro Groganz
Chief Knowledge Officer

Sandro Groganz

Monday 13 February 2006 6:31:46 am


we now explicitly welcome articles written by the community. See here for more information:

Thanks to @kracker for valuable feedback!

Sandro Groganz
Chief Knowledge Officer

Johannes S.

Friday 14 April 2006 9:40:05 am

just one question
is this (very nice) article section available, integrated in eZpublish?

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