eZ publish performance

eZ publish performance

Wednesday 18 May 2005 5:25:08 am - 66 replies

Modified on Wednesday 18 May 2005 5:32:28 am by Łukasz Serwatka

Author Message

Kåre Køhler Høvik

Friday 04 November 2005 7:19:10 am


Here's a few tips for your pagelayout:
- You can safely add the <i>ignore_content_expiry</i> to several of your cache-blocks.
- Looks like you might be able to use cache block with keys=(node_id, user_id) ( I'm not sure though, as I do not know exactly what is displayed there ).
- Try using <i>subbtree_expiry</i> where you can not use the <i>ignore_content_expiry</i> option.

See also : http://ez.no/doc/ez_publish/technical_manual/3_6/reference/template_functions/miscellaneous/cache_block for more info.

Kåre Høvik

steve walker

Friday 04 November 2005 8:00:15 am


Thanks for your reponse.

We'll tweak the cache blocks and also see if we can reduce them. But I feel we have a more fundamental issue to deal with first.

You can see from pagelayout that pretty much everything is cached - so you'd think on consequetive loading of a page the load time would be quick, but we see template processing times of 1-2 secs.

I dont understand why this processing time occurs when the compile/cache is enabled - for me this seems to be the problem. We have enabled cache and compile, but when the pages load there seems to be some very heavy template processing occuring.

Is there any other way of debugging whats going on the pinpoint the issue?

Thanks, Steve


steve walker

Monday 07 November 2005 3:48:21 am


I wonder if this could give an insight into the problem. I notice that if I try to run:

[onewaggr@web3 php]$  ./bin/php/eztc.php -s 2gc_intra
-bash: ./bin/php/eztc.php: No such file or directory


[onewaggr@web3 php]$  ./bin/php/eztc.php
-bash: ./bin/php/eztc.php: No such file or directory

It wont execute. If it won't execute via shell then perhaps its not doing so when executed via the admin panel?

What are you thoughts? Does this point to a ini misconfig somewhere?

Regards, Steve.


steve walker

Monday 07 November 2005 3:53:08 am

Have just noticed the same with runcronjobs.php - first it was a perm issue, then once that was solved it gives the same error as with eztc:

[onewaggr@web3 htdocs]$ ./runcronjobs.php
-bash: ./runcronjobs.php: Permission denied
[onewaggr@web3 htdocs]$ ./runcronjobs.php
: No such file or directory
[onewaggr@web3 htdocs]$ ./runcronjobs.php


Łukasz Serwatka

Monday 07 November 2005 4:07:25 am

Steve, files under /bin/php/*.php are normal PHP scripts, so you should execute them via PHP CLI.

cd ezpublish_root
php runcronjobs.php


cd ezpublish_root
php bin/php/eztc.php -s siteaccess

Personal website -> http://serwatka.net
Blog (about eZ Publish) -> http://serwatka.net/blog

steve walker

Monday 07 November 2005 7:38:26 am

Hi Lukasz,

Yes, that worked great for runcronjobs - but for eztc.php I now get:

[onewaggr@web3 php]$ php eztc.php -s intranet
PHP Warning:  main(lib/ezutils/classes/ezcli.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /disk1/www/sites.oneworldmarket.org/dev1.oneworldmarket.org/htdocs/bin/php/eztc.php on line 37
PHP Warning:  main(): Failed opening 'lib/ezutils/classes/ezcli.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /disk1/www/sites.oneworldmarket.org/dev1.oneworldmarket.org/htdocs/bin/php/eztc.php on line 37
PHP Warning:  main(kernel/classes/ezscript.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /disk1/www/sites.oneworldmarket.org/dev1.oneworldmarket.org/htdocs/bin/php/eztc.php on line 38
PHP Warning:  main(): Failed opening 'kernel/classes/ezscript.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /disk1/www/sites.oneworldmarket.org/dev1.oneworldmarket.org/htdocs/bin/php/eztc.php on line 38
PHP Fatal error:  Undefined class name 'ezcli' in /disk1/www/sites.oneworldmarket.org/dev1.oneworldmarket.org/htdocs/bin/php/eztc.php on line 40
[onewaggr@web3 php]$

Any ideas?

Regards, Steve.


Łukasz Serwatka

Monday 07 November 2005 7:42:00 am

Yes, this will work only when you will execute this script from EZPUBLISH_ROOT directory, like:

$ php bin/php/eztc.php -s intranet

not from EZPUBLISH_ROOT/bin/php

Personal website -> http://serwatka.net
Blog (about eZ Publish) -> http://serwatka.net/blog

steve walker

Monday 07 November 2005 7:57:36 am

Hi Lukasz,

Thanks, I can now run the script - unfortunately it hasnt made any difference to the page load speeds - we're still dealing with 7-12 sec page load times.

I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to progress this... We still get huge page template processing times (6 secs) when the page loads even though it should now be pre-compiled.



Norman Leutner

Monday 07 November 2005 11:13:12 am

Hi Steve,

you didn't answer the question if you are running an php accelerator like eaccelerator.

If you don't know it, take a look at the system information within the admin siteaccess.

As already mentioned you need to install it to decrease your load times.

If you have already installed one, I would check the permissions to the directory where the cache files are stored.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Best regards

Norman Leutner

eZ Publish Platinum Partner - http://www.all2e.com

steve walker

Tuesday 08 November 2005 1:23:48 am

Hi Norman,

No, we are not running an accelerator yet - I'm trying to get one installed on our production box via our ISP.

However, the reason I have still been persuing this speed issue is that - even if the accelerator doubles the performance - we would still have 4-6 sec page load times.

Regards, Steve.


Łukasz Serwatka

Tuesday 08 November 2005 1:26:22 am

Steve, do you have any errors about wrong permissions. Look in to ezpublish log directory and check error.log.

Personal website -> http://serwatka.net
Blog (about eZ Publish) -> http://serwatka.net/blog

steve walker

Tuesday 08 November 2005 8:16:10 am

Hi Lukasz,

I dont see perm errors in the logs - there is a lot of other noise though:

[ Nov 08 2005 11:31:52 ] [] Custom match file: path 'events_fullview.tpl' not found in any resource. Check template settings in settings/override.ini
[ Nov 08 2005 11:31:52 ] [] design/standard/templates/events_fullview.tpl, design/standard/override/templates/events_fullview.tpl, design/base/override/templates/events_fullview.tpl, design/base/templates/events_fullview.tpl, design/intranet/override/templates/events_fullview.tpl, design/intranet/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezdhtml/design/standard/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezdhtml/design/standard/override/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezdhtml/design/base/override/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezdhtml/design/base/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezdhtml/design/intranet/override/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezdhtml/design/intranet/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezrssfeed/design/standard/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezrssfeed/design/standard/override/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezrssfeed/design/base/override/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezrssfeed/design/base/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezrssfeed/design/intranet/override/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezrssfeed/design/intranet/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezdhtml/design/standard/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezdhtml/design/standard/override/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezdhtml/design/base/override/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezdhtml/design/base/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezdhtml/design/intranet/override/templates/events_fullview.tpl, extension/ezdhtml/design/intranet/templates/events_fullview.tpl
[ Nov 08 2005 11:31:53 ] [] Timing Point: Module end 'content'
[ Nov 08 2005 11:31:53 ] [] Unknown template variable 'node' in namespace ''
[ Nov 08 2005 15:58:14 ] [] Undefined module: javascript
[ Nov 08 2005 15:58:14 ] [] Error ocurred using URI: /intranet/index.php/javascript/mm_menu.js
[ Nov 08 2005 15:58:15 ] [] Timing Point: Module end 'error'
[ Nov 08 2005 15:58:15 ] [] Unknown template variable 'node' in namespace ''
[ Nov 08 2005 15:58:37 ] [] Timing Point: Module end 'content'
[ Nov 08 2005 15:58:37 ] [] No class 'eZUserFunctionCollection' available for function 'current_user' in module 'user'
[ Nov 08 2005 15:59:08 ] [] Undefined module: javascript
[ Nov 08 2005 15:59:08 ] [] Error ocurred using URI: /intranet/index.php/2gc_intra_admin/javascript/mm_menu.js
[ Nov 08 2005 15:59:08 ] [] Timing Point: Module end 'error'
[ Nov 08 2005 15:59:08 ] [] No class 'eZUserFunctionCollection' available for function 'current_user' in module 'user'

Seems to be a lot of issues relating to extensions? Maybe these are slowing down the load time?

Regards, Steve.


steve walker

Wednesday 09 November 2005 2:10:41 am

Any ideas on this?

Cheers, Steve


Xavier Dutoit

Wednesday 09 November 2005 2:36:34 am


Looks like you've got some problem on the template code.

I suspect that you have somewhere on your page script with a source /javascript/mm_menu.js.

This doesn't work, the javascripts should be in your design folders (/design/whatever/javascript/mm_menu.js ) and modify the script source in your folder.

Right now, instead of calling the javascript, it calls ez, that tries to find a module called javascript and it doesn't find it.

If you can't move the javascript, change your mod_rewrite to exclude /javascript/* (bad idea)


P.S. I don't know if you use dreamweaver, but by experience, I find that you get a way more efficient code by writing it "by hand" with a text editor.


steve walker

Wednesday 09 November 2005 8:17:05 am


Many thanks for the input - it has shaved some time off the loading (about .5 sec).

I'm really pleased to say we have it solved :) Got some tips from PaulF and have added additional lines to our sites.ini file. Before we had:


now we have:



...and its loading really quick!

Thanks for the input on this.

Regards, Steve.


Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 09 November 2005 12:13:47 pm

Hi Steve,

Good to see that you solved your problem :)

Could you share with other users that optimization tips?

All settings important for performance which you mention in post are enabled by default in settings/site.ini file and should be never disabled (unless you know what you are doing) on production site (someone miss something? ;).

Personal website -> http://serwatka.net
Blog (about eZ Publish) -> http://serwatka.net/blog

steve walker

Sunday 13 November 2005 8:44:41 am

Hi Lukasz,

We have a much better system, but its still not as good as I'd like it. The server is:

OS Name	Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition
Version	5.2.3790 Service Pack 1 Build 3790
Other OS Description 	Not Available
OS Manufacturer	Microsoft Corporation
System Name	xxxxxxxxxxxxx
System Manufacturer	Dell Computer Corporation
System Model	PowerEdge 4600
System Type	X86-based PC
Processor	x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel ~2387 Mhz
Processor	x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel ~2387 Mhz
Processor	x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel ~2387 Mhz
Processor	x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel ~2387 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date	Dell Computer Corporation A06, 06/06/2002
SMBIOS Version	2.3
Windows Directory	C:\WINDOWS
System Directory	C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device	\Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale	United Kingdom
Hardware Abstraction Layer	Version = "5.2.3790.1830 (srv03_sp1_rtm.050324-1447)"
User Name	Not Available
Time Zone	GMT Standard Time
Total Physical Memory	2,047.45 MB
Available Physical Memory	1.47 GB
Total Virtual Memory	3.85 GB
Available Virtual Memory	3.45 GB
Page File Space	2.00 GB
Page File	C:\pagefile.sys

As youcan see, its a beast! This site should be flying.

To get it to its current state (which is not too bad) we have:

- added the site.ini tweaks as per above (they weren't in siteacesss) - this gave the biggest boost by a long way

- changed the caches so we just have 2 big caches (both uri), one containing everything above maincontent, and one containing everything below. We'll have to break this up into a few more blocks as we have a bookmark function on the page as this cant be in the block.

- added eaccelerator, tho' so far we havent noticed much improvement

- we have php.ini at 28m memeory alloc (is there a benefit to increasing this further?)

Loading the homepage after its been loaded previously following as cache refresh we get:

Timing points:
Checkpoint Elapsed Rel. Elapsed Memory Rel. Memory 
Module start 'content' 0.0000 sec 0.3191 sec 0.0000KB 0.0000KB 
Module end 'content' 0.3191 sec 0.0646 sec 0.0000KB 0.0000KB 
End 0.3836 sec   0.0000KB 0.0000KB 
Total runtime: 0.4480 sec  

Time accumulators:
 Accumulator  Elapsed  Percent  Count  Average 
Load cache 0.0829 sec 2.3245% 12 0.0069 sec 
Mysql Total     
Mysql_queries 0.0170 sec 0.4759% 14 0.0012 sec 
Looping result 0.0009 sec 0.0261% 7 0.0001 sec 
Template Total 0.3639 sec 10.2% 3 0.1213 sec 
Template load 0.0492 sec 1.3798% 3 0.0164 sec 
Template processing 0.3137 sec 8.7933% 3 0.1046 sec 
Cache load 0.0412 sec 1.1551% 5 0.0082 sec 
Sytem overhead     
Fetch class attribute name 0.0000 sec 0.0000% 0 0.0000 sec 
Total script time: 3.5678 sec  

Another page example is:

Timing points:
Checkpoint Elapsed Rel. Elapsed Memory Rel. Memory 
Module start 'content' 0.0000 sec 0.2302 sec 0.0000KB 0.0000KB 
Module end 'content' 0.2302 sec 0.0270 sec 0.0000KB 0.0000KB 
End 0.2573 sec   0.0000KB 0.0000KB 
Total runtime: 0.3218 sec  

Time accumulators:
 Accumulator  Elapsed  Percent  Count  Average 
Load cache 0.0912 sec 5.3060% 13 0.0070 sec 
Mysql Total     
Mysql_queries 0.0222 sec 1.2947% 16 0.0014 sec 
Looping result 0.0011 sec 0.0618% 11 0.0001 sec 
Template Total 0.2331 sec 13.6% 3 0.0777 sec 
Template load 0.0497 sec 2.8905% 3 0.0166 sec 
Template processing 0.1825 sec 10.6237% 3 0.0608 sec 
Cache load 0.0333 sec 1.9372% 3 0.0111 sec 
Sytem overhead     
Fetch class attribute name 0.0000 sec 0.0000% 0 0.0000 sec 
Image XML parsing 0.0101 sec 0.5881% 1 0.0101 sec 
Instantiating content class attribute 0.0001 sec 0.0042% 1 0.0001 sec 
String conversion 0.0006 sec 0.0358% 2 0.0003 sec 
String conversion w/ mbstring 0.0003 sec 0.0161% 2 0.0001 sec 
Total script time: 1.7179 sec  

AFAIK, we should be getting better results than this, tho' thanks god the system is now useable.

On another tip, I'm now scared of ever clearing the template cache - as soon as I do so the client has to deal with massive page load times when they view the page first time.

Is there no way of getting ez to re-generate all the pages via a script (PaulF was talking about wget to 'ping' all your site pages) - eztc.php gets some way there, but it doesnt get rid of these horrible initial load times...?

Any thoughts on this?

Regards, Steve.


Gabriel Ambuehl

Sunday 13 November 2005 12:38:58 pm

It would seem to me that not using Windows but a proper Unix derivate would likely go a long way speeding things up.

Apache on Windows is slow.

Visit http://triligon.org

Łukasz Serwatka

Sunday 13 November 2005 1:02:25 pm

Steve, which version of eZ publish do you use? This can be weird but ... have you tried with other version of eZ publish then your site uses?

Just test with plain installation of newest version.

Look also on:

You can also get better results with static cache. Check documentation and forum for more info.

Personal website -> http://serwatka.net
Blog (about eZ Publish) -> http://serwatka.net/blog

steve walker

Sunday 13 November 2005 2:42:14 pm

Hi Gabriel,

We run unix boxes as a norm - this happens to be an Intranet for a client (to run on internal box) and their pc support only run windows :( however, worth noting we've seen the same issues on the development version of the site on our unix box.

Hi Lukasz,

The version of Ez on the site is 3.6.0 - I'll look into trying another version.

I'll look into the contrib crawler, could be just what we're after.

Thanks, Steve.


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