Friday 19 August 2011 6:02:03 am - 2 replies
André R.
Friday 19 August 2011 8:26:08 am
have you checked the .ts file?
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE @:
Helge Silset
Monday 22 August 2011 6:22:43 am
Hi André,
Yeah, the translation file should be correct. We also have an issue (in the same template) where the translation for "Username" is printed twice. I've included both translations from my_extension/translations/fin-FI/translation.ts:
<context> <name>design/ezwebin/user/login</name> <message> <source>Username</source> <comment>User name</comment> <translation>Käyttäjänimi</translation> </message> <message> <source>Login</source> <comment>Button</comment> <translation>Kirjaudu sisään</translation> </message> </context>
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