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Lots of Websites, One eZ Publish Installation - Adding Siteaccesses in eZ Publish

Thursday 27 May 2010 8:36:44 am

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How-To Part I: Preparation of content structure

This is an example of how to change your existing ezwebin eZ Publish installation from one public and one admin siteaccesses (named “public” and “admin”) to two public and one admin siteaccesses. Each public site will have its own landing page node. We will specify those node ID's in settings, but first we must create the landing page (home page) for each site in the content node tree. The current “Home” object (of the 'Frontpage' content class) will be reused as one of the two home pages, but we will need to create the second one.

  • 1) Create a new folder called “Websites” (for example). This will be the container to hold the landing pages.
  • 2) Swap it with the top node

Swap the new root with the initial top node

Swap the new root with the initial top node

  • 3) Clean up the former home page you just swapped (called “Home”), by editing it and removing the various unnecessary elements.
  • 4) Create the second public website's homepage by copying the “Home” object
  • 5) Finally, give the two websites' home pages more meaningful names. For our example we will use:
    - node 175: “Public site one”
    - node 176: “Public site two”

For simplicity of demonstration, we will remove all content than the “Websites” folder and the two home pages created above.

Copy Home object

Copy Home object



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