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Member since: 14/09/2005

Posts from eZ, for the community.

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Wrap-up and slides of the 2010 eZ Winter Conference in Geneva

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Wednesday 03 February 2010 04:06

by Nicolas Pastorino  | 4 comments

On january 21st and 22nd was held the 2010 eZ Winter Conference, in Geneva. As announced here, this eZ Ecosystem gathering turned into a lively, fun and intense event. A look back on 2009, and a promising look ahead on 2010 grabbed all attendees' attention during two full days. Here is a small wrap-up of the Community Day (jan. 21st) with slides of the talks, links to pictures and videos, and an attempt to put the overall great ambiance into words.

Speed dating with 15 candidates for eZ Publish

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Tuesday 26 January 2010 05:50

by Roland Benedetti  | 1 comment

Hi all, I wanted to share with all of you the 15 open stories for future eZ Publish requirements discussed during the great event we had in Geneva last Thursday and Friday. Those 15 stories, that are actually considered for future releases of eZ Publish (along with others not discussed at that occasion), were quickly introduced during a « speed dating » session at the community day. The goal was to pick the brain of the attendees and try to see if any 'perfect match' existed between the candidates and the community.

eZ Winter Conference LIVE, from your sofa !

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Tuesday 19 January 2010 01:39

by Nicolas Pastorino  | 0 comments

If you can not make it to the Winter Conference this time, but would like to get a taste of what is happening there, you just have to find a nice couch, sit back and relax: it's on TV !!

Happy New Year: release of must-have extensions for eZ Publish 4.2!

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Tuesday 05 January 2010 08:46

by Nicolas Pastorino  | 2 comments

A new year never comes without good resolutions, and this applies to eZ: 3 brand new extensions were just released, waiting for you to try them out!

A Christmas gift...

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Friday 25 December 2009 12:49

by Nicolas Pastorino  | 0 comments

...has just arrived for you. Read on!

A Christmas gift for the eZ Community

Administration interface refresh, take 2: tell us more of what you think!

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Friday 11 December 2009 07:00

by Nicolas Pastorino  | 57 comments

eZ Publish 4.3 will take a big step towards refreshing the administration interface. A first blog post was made here (comments by the bottom of the page) , have a look at it first!
The second round is presented below, having integrated the feedback from the first round.

Multi-Channel Content Delivery webinar now available

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Thursday 10 December 2009 06:31

by Nicolas Pastorino  | 1 comment

The Multi-Channel Content Delivery webinar held yesterday (see announcement) is now available online.

SHARE! Magazine for November 09

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Tuesday 08 December 2009 05:33

by Nicolas Pastorino  | 1 comment

The cover is flavored with winter conference 2010 in Geneva (followed by a ski week end in Chamonix), the inside is spiced up by this month's market events, references, a delightful fragrance comes out of the EContent 100 and Deloitte Fast 50 ranking pages, and a rendez-vous is proposed for the next webinar: "Multi-Channel Content Delivery with eZ Publish".

Community Day at the eZ International Winter Conference 2010 in Geneva

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Friday 04 December 2009 06:57

by Nicolas Pastorino  | 4 comments

Every january is the occasion for the eZ Ecosystem to gather to look back at the 12 passed months and look ahead into a new year.
Geneva will host us this year, very central and convenient location for a conference, and cradle of a growing activity around eZ.

Administration interface refresh: Tell us what you think!

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Wednesday 02 December 2009 03:26

by André R.  | 49 comments

eZ Publish 4.3 will take a big step towards refreshing the administration interface.
A requirement document and a html concept prototype were recently uploaded to our SVN repository, detailing the back-office-design-related features to be implemented in 4.3 and beyond.
This document already took into account the results of this survey :
The actual implementation of the proof of concept starting soon, it is about time to tell us what you think.

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