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"Download & Develop" section, check this out !

Thursday 21 October 2010 8:50:48 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

....and we're back ! eZ Publish, extensions and community projects reach an all-time high availability. Read on !

A new section was recently born on the Community Portal : "Download & Develop"

It is meant to make available, in a central place, the following :

  • All former versions of eZ Publish, and the associated extensions
  • all versions of eZ Publish Community Project, including the symbolic first one : Fuji
  • Information as to how to get hands-on, and start developing, contributing the our Ecosystem's global codebase. This goes through extensions to eZ Publish (themselves hosted on, and the Community Project (the platform itself). The latter topic is being structure at the moment, and should start flying in the next weeks.


Please let us know how you like it, what you would like to see different there. This can be done through comments under this post, or filing an issue in the Community Portal's issue tracker.

Cheers and happy hacking !