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eZ Conference 2011, 16th & 17th of June, London, UK

Wednesday 27 April 2011 7:16:28 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

EDIT : the first bits of the program was unveiled, check it out : eZ Conference 2011 : preview of the program unveiled !

The 2011 edition of the eZ Conference will take place in London, after Berlin in 2010, and the Nice winter edition in January this year. Read on to know what is coming-up.

[Register] [Propose a talk] [Hackathon] [Spread the word] [Live streaming]


London Eye

A dedicated website

First time this year, a dedicated website will centralize all practical information on the event. Program, Registration, Travel & Venue information, Sponsorship details, you can find it all on But stay with me a few more minutes, I will give you more insight.


Register now, get the early-bird rate

I recommend to register as soon as possible. The early-bird rate ends at May 14th, grab it today ! Registration happens here : There are three available discount options : Student attendee, Non-profit attendee, or Team registration, all presented further down on the registration page.

Please note that accommodation is not included in the conference pass, leaving all freedom to pick the most suitable hotel. As for the registration, you should do this as soon as possible to benefit from the most interesting rates.


Call for speakers : flash-talks & 45mins slots

So you have been working hard on building a killer solution all year long ? This is somewhat related to eZ Publish, PHP, Content Management or the mobile content delivery ? Why wouldn't you make some pride out of it and present it to the whole eZ Community ?

45 minutes talks

The first option is a 45 minutes speaking-slot, where slides, live-demo, interactivity with the audience are successful ingredients to a moment of awesomeness. Send us your proposal, and get prepared : you might be one the speakers lining-up this year ! Share your proposal here : A free pass is offered to the 45 minutes talks speakers.


After a first, very successful attempt ("flash-talk" in the slides file name) in Nice during the Winter Conference, we'll go for this one more time. That was honestly a lot of fun.

Here is the idea : you have 5 minutes to flash-present one of your extensions, an extension you are fond of, or a feature of eZ Publish. No more than a five-minute, super-condensed speech, to make others feel like using it or contribute to your project ! The many social slots will leave us time to dig into details for those who want it.

Submit your flash-talk proposal here : (check the "Flash talk" box ).



The afternoon of the 17th will host a mass hackathon. If you ever wondered :

  • How to use git and github,
  • How to contribute to eZ Publish,
  • How to get a team together to develop a feature

Then you should stop-by there. Bring your laptop, a drink, there will be a lot of nifty developers, a lot to learn, a lot to create !


Tell your world about it !

You are the one capable of growing the eZ Community, of getting more people in our 40 000 member crew. Simple things like relaying what is happening within our Community is a great start, really. Posting on your blog about the eZ Conference can be an idea, back-linking to from your site, spreading the word on Twitter (hashtag : #ezconf ), checking-in on the associated event...pick the ones you prefer and become an ambassador of the eZ Community !

You may also want to place one of these "I'm attending" banners on your website. Here is the tiny version :

eZ Conference 2011, June 16th & 17th, London, UK


Live streaming

A custom now for the Community Track at eZ Conferences, the whole track will be live-streamed on UStream. Tune-in on the 16th & 17th, right below.

See you in London !

eZ Publish Community channel by Ustream

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