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eZ Conference 2011 wrap-up, slides, pictures & videos

Monday 20 June 2011 11:11:50 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

Right back from the most memorable edition of the eZ Conference, London, 16th & 17th of June, i thought i'd give you guys a small recap. Read on !

[slides & videos] [pictures] [2012] [feedback] [buzz]


In short

Wednesday evening : meet the speakers

It all started on the Wednesday evening with the "Meet the speakers" event, kindly sponsored by VisionWT, also global sponsor of the event. What a bright idea. We should definitely redo this next year. Most of the Community track speakers joined : Rasmus, Derick, Tobias, Ivo, Gilles, Alexandre, Martin, Lukasz, Greg, to name a few.

Meet the speakers evening, eZ Conference 2011

Community track, day 1 : together again, at last

The next day, in the Community track, was opened by yours truly. I did my best to present all the mass innovation weapons at our disposal, in the eZ Publish Community Project context. Derick took over with a deep insight on how to profile PHP applications. Lots of take-aways for enhancing user experience by reducing page-load time, using the right tools (like XDebug) the right way for building professional applications. It was then Brian Garvey's turn, from Rackspace (big thank yous to them for sponsoring the Community track ! ), about OpenStack and the future of cloud-based infrastructure.

The first flash-talks session was kicked-off at 14:50, lining-up Gilles, Ivo, Markus, Alexandre and Marc as speakers, eZ Flow, social eZ Publish, content mobility and REST, deployment and finally Content management for editors as topics. Full blast, as in Nice 6 months earlier where we first tried out this recipe. This condensed & concise delivery of information hit the audience hard again, with a wonderful feedback.

Tobias then gave a detailed, captivating overview of the Apache Zeta Components libraries, their history, the way this project & community are managed today and how they actually work. Pure energy & excellence channeled towards the audience. Paul closed the day by showing how eZ Find can be derived to serve other purposes than search only.

eZ Community track day 1, eZ Conference 2011, London


eZ Awards ceremony : time for thank-yous (and party)

An awesome Awards ceremony got us to continue sharing, in a different outfit, but with the same spirit as during the day, anchored in our souls : openness & belonging. A lovely cocktail warmed us up for the 1.5h ceremony, where 11 awards were to be bestowed on to the most deserving amongst us. While meritocracy is at the heart of the eZ Community, keep in mind that not being nominated or rewarded by an Award does not mean you are not climbing the meritocracy ladder. Keep-up, rather, you are on the right way ! 

From all winners, i would like to send my special kudos to Ivo for winning the Blogger of the Year award, Gilles for the Tutorial of the Year, Jérôme for the Contribution of the year, and, last but not least, Robin for the Community Member of the Year.

eZ Awards at eZ Conference 2011, London


Community track, day 2 : awesomeness, the return

On friday, the Community track was opened by Rasmus Lerdorf, creator of PHP. Very inspiring slides, well-routined speaker, and soo much information shared. He was literally flooded with questions, launching this second day on high-speed tracks. Łukasz then shed light on a multitude of topics related to mobile development around & at the heart of eZ Publish. A 45 minutes session gearing-up about any eZ Publish developer into mobile development. A must. Hot on his heels, the second session of flash-talks fired Cloud, Training, Analytics, Multichannel publishing and Varnish as topics, brilliantly presented by Björn, Greg, Ralph, Trygve and Per. As the day before, intense applause from the crowd, speakers grabbed right off the stage for questions, big traction !

Martin primed the afternoon by telling the SCRUM & eZ Publish story he experienced through several different projects. Plenty of field-experience distilled through the 45 minutes, adding to the variety and usefulness of the topics proposed in the Community track.

It was then time to put hands-on and do some real stuff : hacking. Well, not both hands were in use, since one of them usually was holding a beer. That was hackathon time ! Twenty-five participants, some starting right-away on the bug-fixing or feature-hacking session, others sharing Ole Marius' ninjatitude on github, in order to be able to fluently talk the pull-request language. 8 pull-requests were made during this hackathon, simply awesome for a 2 hours shot after an exhausting conference !

Rasmus Lerdorf, eZ Community track day 2, eZ Conference 2011, London


To all speakers : thank you !

I would like to thank all speakers for having shared their deep knowledge with the rest of the eZ Community, making every minute of the Community track a riveting moment !


Slides, recorded talks, rating of the talks

Speaker Talk title Slides Video Rate this talk !
Nicolas Pastorino eZ Community - Innovation and Open-source inside
Derick Rethans Profiling PHP Applications (not available)
Brian Garvey Openstack (not available) (not available) (not available)
Gilles Guirand eZ Flow advanced usage (not available)
Ivo Lukac Social flavored eZ Publish (not available)
Markus Birth eZ goes mobile - the RESTful way (not available)
Alexandre Sebbane BPCE_LIVRAISON: how to deploy an eZ Publish website with one or several third party companies (not available)
Marc Czieslick Improve your content! - The eZ Content-Cockpit (not available)
Tobias Schlitt Apache Zeta Components (not available)
Paul Borgermans Taking eZ Find beyond search (not available)
Rasmus Lerdorf PHP on 2011
Łukasz Serwatka Mobile Channels in eZ Publish
Björn Dieding eZ Publish Cluster on the Amazon cloud
Greg McAvoy-Jensen Chief eZ Publish Officer Training Here
Ralph Hünermann Deriving value from Advanced Site Analytics and Optimization (not available)
Trygve Fossberg Øisjøfoss Web-to-print and back again
Per Buer Varnish 3.0 release + the Varnish extension for eZ Publish
Martin Bauer Scrum, The Financial Times & eZ Publish




Here are a series of pictures taken during the conference, from Quoc Huy NGuyen Dinh, Markus Birth and myself. Tell us if you have some, Let me know if you have more pictures and want to add them to the eZ Conference album. you can also share a link to them as comment below !


2012 & feedback

Cast your vote for where the 2012 edition of the eZ Conference should take place, here :

Give us your feedback on the organization of this conference, to make next year's better ! .



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