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Issue tracker now available :)

Wednesday 04 November 2009 1:16:41 pm

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

Given the fair amount of feedback we received from you ( including the "get yourself an issue tracker so that we can fill it up" one ), we finally got a hold on one:

You need to be a registered member on this site ( subsequently on ) to be able to file an issue.

You may already know how to use the issue tracker, but here is a small explanation of the left column:

  • Summary: To the point, concise summary of the issue. Mind using keywords here.
  • Description: thorough description of what this all is about. Details are never useless.
  • Environment: maybe not as applicable here as for eZ publish bugs, but it's always interesting to know which browser you are using, which OS, at least.
  • Steps to reproduce: that is useful. Very useful. Think of a tired developer who wants to still give his best after having hunted down 30 bugs. If you properly give the steps to reproduce the issue you are encountering, he'll hunt down one more. This is not applicable for all types of bugs though.
  • Attachment: screenshots, code bits are always helpful. Don't hesitate :) Pictures of your grandma looking at may be fun.

We started pushing part of your feedback in the issue tracker, but are not quite finished yet. In case you are willing to file an issue for what you already said, do not hesitate that helps a lot. You may even want to edit your post in the forum to mention you filed a bug for this (and giving the link to it would be brilliant).

Again, if you are willing to actively participate to the development of this portal, please drop an email at community [at] ez [dot] no

Thanks for entering the show guys,

Keep sending feedback!

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Issue tracker now available :)