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DappSocial DevLog #3: How to install

Tuesday 14 June 2011 9:40:47 am

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By : Thiago Campos Viana

In this blog post I will show how to install the extension.

The project is available on github, please note that it is an extension for eZ flow and requires a minimum knowledge about the platform, who has no experience with the system it is recommended to join the eZ publish community

After you install eZ publish with eZ flow and download dappsocial extension, some steps are necessary to be able to use the features of this extension: 

1. Copy dappsocial into 'extension' folder

2.  Run the mysql scipts:

* extension/dappsocial/sql/mysql/schema.sql

* extension/dappsocial/sql/common/democontent.sql

3.  Activate dappsocial 

In administrator user interface, click 'setup' tab->'extensions' menu, select 'dappsocial', click button 'Apply Changes'.

or in settings/override/site.ini.append.php, add acivation configuration under "ExtensionSettings" section:



4. Regenerate autoloads

In administrator user interface, click 'setup' tab->'extensions' menu, click button 'Regenerate autoload arrays for extensions',

or in eZ Publish installation folder, run "php bin/php/ezpgenerateautoloads.php -e"

5. Clear cache

Clear INI and template caches. (from admin 'Setup' tab or commandline) 

6. Add 'Relationship' datatype to 'User' content class.

In administrator user interface, click 'setup' tab->'Classes'. Select 'Users' in the class group list. Click the edit button. 

In the user class. Add the 'Relationship' attribute, choose a name for it. 

Also check "Container" option of the User class, so it will be possible to create objects inside the user account node. 

7. Add dappsocial packages: 'Setup'->'Packages'->'Import new package'. Upload all dappsocial packages ( extension/dappsocial/packages/* ). 

8. Change your override settings, copy the contents of the following file: extension/dappsocial/settings/override.ini.append.php-RECOMMENDED.
Paste to the beggining of the file: settings/siteaccess/[front-end-siteaccess]/override.ini.append.php

9. Create the CreateUserExtras workflow: 'Workflows'->'Standard'->'New workflow'->'Create UserExtras' ( name Create UserExtras ).

10. Setup CreateUserExtras trigger: 'Triggers'-> 'content-publish-after' ( choose CreateUserExtras ). Apply changes. Now the system will create user subnodes after the publication of the user object.


11. Change member user permissions (User->Roles and policies): 

Module View Permission
Content Create Class( Blog post ) , ParentOwner( Self ) , ParentClass( Blog )
Content Create Class( Event ) , ParentOwner( Self ) , ParentClass( Event calendar )
Content Create Class( Image ) , ParentOwner( Self ) , ParentClass( Gallery )
Content Create Class( Unity ) , ParentOwner( Self ) , ParentClass( Unity Folder )
Content Create Class( Image ) , ParentOwner( Self ) , ParentClass( Gallery )
Content Create Class( Obj ) , ParentOwner( Self ) , ParentClass( Obj Folder )
Ezoe Editor No limitations
Content Remove Class( Blog post , Image , Event , Unity , Obj ) , Owner( Self )
Content Edit Class( Comment , Blog post , Image , Forum topic , Forum reply , Event , Unity , Obj ) , Section( Standard , Users ) , Owner( Self )
Content Read Subtree( Members ) *

 *Could be given to anonymous user. 

12. If your site already has registered members, open the command line, go to eZ Publish installation folder, run "php extension/dappsocial/bin/php/userextras.php", so it will create all user extras objects. 

13. Create a link content object in the site root node and link it to users/members node.

If you are using virtual hosts please change your .htaccess and include this line to allow modelviewer file access:

RewriteRule ^extension/dappsocial/design/ezflow/unity/objViewer.unity3d - [L]