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google sitemaps

Tuesday 19 July 2011 11:15:31 am

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By : Tomasz Janukowicz

Below short dirty trick for fast and easy submit google sitemaps. Different approoach.

  1. Download tool like gsite crawler, or any external generator.
  2. Generate sitemap on your computer.
  3. Navigate to your ezpublish webite.
  4. Go to admin panel
  5. Create folder in media section
  6. create file and call it however you want
  7. upload your sitemap
  8. click on preview, copy link location to file(  cursor over link, CTRL+C )
  9. go to
  10. add site profile
  11. sumbit a map: in field with url paste url, remove( backspace all domain: )
  12. enjoy your sitemap

Make sure, anonymous has permission to see the file

If you have multilanguagce content, insead creating 20 new sitmaps, just translate object and upload new file corresponding to langueage/siteacces

go to my wbsite and click on google+( joke )

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google sitemaps