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Waiting for mainstream

Tuesday 19 July 2011 11:33:54 pm

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By : Tomasz Janukowicz

For many years, eZ publish was good out of box solution. Since many months, I can see more often, that is easier and faster to write something similiar using alternative technologies. Rails, tornadoweb,, django are more on time.

Last aricles I red: mobile app by Luksza Serwatka, and Daniel Oien on Ngnix shows, that eZ publish is close dead end. 

First article showed real world: no plugin, no extension, no "development" ne website.

Second, lightweight technologies is the future of web.

Sine over two years, I'm asking same question: is it worth all effort to stay with php or just move all good achievments to more eficient technology / language. 

Has anybody same thoughts?

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Waiting for mainstream