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eZ Future podcast 13 - Hug a developer

Tuesday 25 January 2011 1:39:50 am

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By : Tony Wood

Welcome to Christmas eZ Future #13, the podcast that will keep you updated on the eZ Publish eco system.
From the latest releases reviewed right through to extensions and comments from the community.

Listen to it here:

iTunes :

Winter conference a guide
  1. A day by day guide
  2. Get there the night before - so many people are delayed and miss the beginning
  3. All partner conferences have free wifi - however Nicolas will be streaming the community day live so please keep your own bandwidth usage down so it does not interfere.
  4. Tweet lots (what is the hash tag) #ezwinterconf11 or #ezwinterconf
  5. Always always attend the community track - the future of eZ will be driven by it’s community so if a partner / hug a community member
  6. get your seat and power socket early. - most have power at the end. Apart from Barcelona that was in an amazing, but plug free zone
  7. Take time to meet the eZ crew - it will be worth it
  8. Mingle - The conference is more about meeting the other community members than the speeches.
  9. Day 2 is normally a straight partner update sort of day
  10. So keep hydrated and make sure your laptop was fully charged overnight
  11. You will get to interview the eZ Board. It is crucial, you question the board. This is the one time a year we get to do this, so prepare your questions well and do not stop till you get an answer.

Info :

Agenda/Talks @ the Conference

Thursday 27th Jan

9:00 - 9:45 "The role of a community and how the eZ Community heart is beating"
by Nicolas Pastorino - Community Manager and eZ's VP Product Management
You should leave this session with the comforted feeling of how our Community matters, and what happened, happens and will happen at its very heart !
10:00 - 10:45 "REST API : how to turn eZ Publish into a multi-channel machine"
by eZ Engineering
This talk will unveil the latest features of eZ Publish's REST and PHP API, gearing you up on building mobile apps, delivering content to 3rd-party tools, and tap into about any channel.
11:00 - 11:45 "eZ Tags, taxonomy management in eZ Publish"
by Ivo Lukac, Co-owner and IT architect at Netgen, Zagreb, Croatia
After this talk you will have a thorough understanding of how you can easily build-in and manage taxonomies into your eZ Publish projects.
Ivo has 6 years of experience using eZPublish, eZFind, PHP and Varnish for complex web projects like e-commerce and large corporate sites, intranet solutions, government portals and similar.
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 - 14:15 "How to run a large-scale, complex multi-developer project with eZ Publsh"
by Cyril Fouillot, CEO at Internethic
This talk will leave you best practices on the technical environment, project processing, tools (Redmine piloted with IRC Chan bot, linked to SVN / GitHub systems & LDAP directory) to enhance development process, global team productivity, project follow up, as well as risk prevention.
14:30 - 15:15

"Flash talks on extensions"
You have 3 minutes to flash-present one of your extensions, or an extension you are fond of. No more than three, super-condensed speech, to make others feel like using it or contribute to your project !
The Barcamp, from 17:00 on, will leave us time to dig into details for those who want it !
Propose your own here !
On the list so far :

  • "Netgen Push", by Ivo Lukac
  • "Our first Mobile web experience, eZ Publish and JQuery", by Mirko Battisti
  • "eZ Asynchronous Publishing", by Bertrand Dunogier
  • "eZ Flow, becoming my best friend" by Gilles Guirand
  • "Yubikey support for eZ Publish" by Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh
15:30 - 17:00 "Interactive workshop : sharing views on the product's evolution"
17:00 and on Barcamp !! (and a nice evening)

Friday 28th Jan

9.00 - 9.45   "Vision and Business Plan"
 by Gabriele Viebach, CEO
10.00 - 10.45 Update Training for Business Partners
 Part 1
"Product Vision and Roadmap"
 by Christof Zahneissen, VP Product Management
11.00 - 11.45 Update Training for Business Partners
Part 2
"Winning new customers as Business Partners with eZ Publish Enterprise"
 by Bård Farstad, CTO and Bertrand Maugain, International Business Development
Lunch Break    
13.30 - 14.15 Update Training for Business Partners
Part 3
"Marketing Strategy"
 by Paal Berg, VP Marketing
14.30 - 15.15 Update Training for Business Partners
 Part 4
Panel Discussion with eZ's Board of Directors
15.30 - 17.00 Certification Time for private meetings
18.00 Bus Trip to Isola 2000  
eZ Publish community update
  • What ever happened to eZ Funding for extensions?EST Part funded the eZ Oracle extention but it appears dead Latest New May 2009
    • I really liked the idea of this and we used it once but any thoughts anyone in eZ Future land?
Developer Corner

An Introduction to Developing eZ Publish Extensions: Fleix Woldt has re-published to include the 4.x version. (
Get involved and help develop extensions.

Extending the REST API - 2nd preview released during Christmas. Get up to speed on the first API preview before viewing the 2nd API preview. Its hoping to become stable around the 4.5 Matterhorn release this spring.


Upcoming events

Thanks to: eZ Systems the makers of eZ Publish (

Special thanks to Robin Muilwijk for your comments and hash tag idea.

Hosts: Tony Wood, Manpreet Dhesi

Blog Post Discussion

eZ Future 13 - Hug a developer