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22 rue Palestro 75002 Paris


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BAOBAZ , France

Baobaz is an online marketing agency. Our 100 experts cover the full range of our online client's need :
- "Think" : interactive strategy ( E-business plan / Media planning )
- "Build" : e-commerce and CMS integration (Sharepoint / Symfony / eZ publish / OS Commerce )
- "Thrive" : webmarketing (Marketing mix analysis / Search Engine Optimisation / Relationnal marketing )
At this stage we have just installed a presentation website based on eZ publih without any module modification.

We are starting a project based on eZ publish. This project is development of a software tool which will allow admin users to create websites and intranet sites connected to commun databases and ldap diaries.

BAOBAZ references (11)

Une Vie Moins Chère

Une Vie Moins Chère -

Discover the tools to spend less and save money to boost your buying power on a less expensive life!

Lytess -

Lytess - Cosmetic "prêt-à-porter"
Get dressed, Feel lightest

Exapaq -

Sernam: mail, transport, express delivery
The national mail offers opportunities to benefit from transporting goods in France and in Europe
Ministère du Budget, des Comptes publics et de la Fonction publique

Ministère du Budget, des Comptes publics et de la Fonction publique -

The DGME (direction générale de la modernisation de l’État) is a direction of the Ministry of Budget, Public Accounts and Public Service, within the French government, which is responsible for implementing the Reform of the State, in association with other government departments.

The central challenge of the project is the improvement of networking between players of modernization.

This Extranet site is dedicated to knowledge sharing: each actor of modernization can share its own best practices within the network and consult others.

Among the features the Extranet:
• Best pratices management (publishing, ….)
• navigation into the application (search mngt, sort….))
• Scoreboard (generates graphical reports in Flash)
• Document management (loading and storing files, export multi-format)
• Request Management (ad-hoc query….)
• Work Spaces

Baobaz delivered the project in less than 5 months. The site is based on eZ publish in its version 3.9
Oro vivo

Oro vivo -

1-Description of the simple solution deployed

Content Management solution open source EZ Publish

2 - The target

Main: Women between 20-45 years interested in fashion

Men and women of all age groups and all social categories

3-Key features in the sales, marketing and technical

Commercial: develop business online, generate store traffic, increase sales and build up a database of qualified members.

Marketing: quickly find the information in a simple navigation, clear and efficient, create an atmosphere, and highlight the value added. (Viral marketing, referencing natural, referencing advertising, e-mailing, games contests, co-registration, partnerships and recruitment).

4 - The Baobaz departments involved in the project

The 3 departments in Baobaz were involved: “Penser” (Think), “Construire” (Build) and “Faire vivre” (Living or Develop)

5 - The new brand benefits

- A common site for all the countries, previously, each country had its own website, without any consistency in brand image, and not updated (collections remained for several months or years without any changes).

- Propose new ways of communication: presentation of the new collections, new stores, promotions and special offers…

Assurtis -

Assurtis (Médiatis Group) is a very fast-growing company in the Credits & Insurance industry. The website has been developed with eZ Publish that enables to share contents between the institutional website and the agency websites.

The objective project is to establish a single portal which has to:

1 / constitute a B2C showcase website:

For the brand image and the concept

Presenting the offer (services and products)

2 / integrate the websites of each franchisee in order to ensure:

The corporate uniformity

The contents updated and validated by the outlet

3 / Include an institutional B2B website:

The B2C challenge has a triple objective:

Lay the brand proximity positioning “budget coach”.

Give value to the company through out its network of franchisees

Generate traffic and qualified contact for each of the agencies

The B2B challenge is to generate qualified contacts to develop the network. It is also to launch the websites of each of the 40 affiliated agencies. For example:
Porsche Retailers Portal

Porsche Retailers Portal -

This project enables Porsche to manage website creation and update for Porsche dealers in France.

25 sites have been already launched , based on a single eZ publish Platform:, , .....

The sites share common design, and also data, but local retailers can easily manage their own presentation, news, stock of vehicules, contacts forms...

This portal is a powerful tool for Porsche France to share news and events between all sites with local access to content management for every retailer.


ACEF is the french Association for loan and savings for public services agents.

ACEF provides a unique Range of products and services in partnership with the French Banques Populaires.

This website allow ACEF members to log into a private area with document management, event management, forum and Media library.

Nextiraone -

With a direct sales and service presence in 17 countries serving some 100,000 customers, NextiraOne are Europe’s leading experts in communications services.

Project objectives :

- Create one platform supporting all country Internet and Intranet websites with common structure (80/20) using a CMS tool
- Make the Internet the primary marketing tool for all countries with common content (80/20)
- Use the Intranet to help information and knowledge sharing across the business based on a common structure

Bergerat Monnoyeur - Caterpillar

Bergerat Monnoyeur - Caterpillar -

Exclusive dealer of Caterpillar brand in France, Bergerat Monnoyeur sells, hires, maintains and repairs new or used equipment. Its subsidiary, Bergerat Monnoyeur Location, is specialized in hiring small equipment and worksite installations for short time.

eZ publish has been chosen for its ability to manage content and the Caterpillar product range through Webservices (XML- RPC).

Baobaz has been working both on graphical and technical aspects. The Belgian version of the site is currently under construction.


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