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coeno gmbh & - agentur für digitale medien

coeno gmbh & - agentur für digitale medien

Rosenheimer Str. 139

81671 München


Phone: +49 (0)89 89050820

  • Community Partner

coeno gmbh & - agentur für digitale medien, Germany

coeno is an independent high-performance full-service-agency with core competencies in information architecture and design, accessibility knowledge and interactive user interfaces. More flexible then the bigger ones, manifold, experienced, implementation-focused and personal.
Developing and implementing interfaces for almost any media device is a major part of our work and has become to be our passion. Be it websites, video-content-management-systems or iTV surfaces � guiding the user in the most pleasant, shortest and comprehensive way to the fulfilment of his needs is key to the handling of any user interface.


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