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Qafoo GmbH

Qafoo GmbH

Bochumer Strasse 226 45586 Gelsenkirchen Germany


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Phone: +4920940501252

  • Community Partner

Qafoo GmbH, Germany

Qafoo GmbH provides services around software quality for PHP projects. We have a passion for software quality and want to bring this to the PHP world. It has been shown that higher software quality leads to a higher Return On Investment, more developer motivation and easier project management.
To reach the goal of more software quality Qafoo GmbH provides Training and Consulting on-site for its customers. We assist you discussing critical decisions, analyze your environment and help you to implement changes in direction of high-quality PHP. We anaylse your software and development processes and suggest enhancements, as well as help engeneering new applications as our experts review your concept drafts, planning and design documents. We offer training for the same products we provide commercial support for, which includes:

  • Zeta Components - high quality PHP 5 components
  • Arbit - next generation project tracking
  • phpUnderControl - continuous integration for PHP
  • PHP_Depend - static PHP code analysis
  • PHPMD - code analysis reporting engine

Qafoo GmbH references (1)

Apache Zeta Components -


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