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  • Community Partner , Spain owes its name to the business idea that united us in this project: access to information. is a company specializing in creating solutions based on FOSS technologies. We have acquired extensive experience in the management of Internet content, but not only. Throughout the five years we have assembled complex systems based on GNU/Linux, with innovative new developments. We have also focused on improving accessibility to the web (and other working environments), and of course we have not stopped thinking a single day about creating and providing new services on the Internet.
At we have been working with eZ since the first day. Just from the beggining we started developing several projects based on eZ Publish, so much so that our first approach to eZ was with the latest 2.x versions. Since then we have been able to create many different solutions to our customers, from CMSs to applications based on eZ Components. We have also tried to bring our work to the development community and we have commited several contributions and developments we have made for our projects to references (9)

RIOS Network

RIOS Network -

RIOS is the "Network of Research and Observatory of Solidarity". RIOS aims to analyze, from the consultancy work and research of its members, the state of cooperation, development aid and solidarity in its social, political, ideological and economic relations, together with the international relations that flow from it.
To organize information --courses, activities, reviews, articles, private area-- they use EzPublish, adapting the design and functionality to the needs expressed by this exciting network.
Private Area of the Hospital de Cáceres building works

Private Area of the Hospital de Cáceres building works -

The Hospital of Cáceres is part of the Extremadura's Health Service. It is currently being renovated and all the information of the future hospital and follow-up work is available from the website. What began as a place to see very visually with image galleries, webcams and maps the evolution of the work, has become an everyday work tool for all parties involved in the construction of the hospital in the private area of the website. They chosen EzPublish judiciously in order to grow and develop the site in a flexible and simple.
FRAVM: Regional Federation of Residents Associations of Madrid

FRAVM: Regional Federation of Residents Associations of Madrid -

The FRAVM is an organization that brings together hundreds of groups of citizens of the Community of Madrid. Arose in the heat of the neighborhood mobilizations that crossed Spain in the final of the dictatorship of Francisco Franco. In the subsequent democratic transition, it appears as a union of over 230 associations working in different districts of Madrid. Legalized in 1979, the FRAVM focused much of its activity in the struggle for decent housing, encouraging citizen participation, social welfare, respect for the environment, defense of public transport and access to culture.

FRAVM currently has more than 140,000 members and maintains a high level of activity, both in the website and in newsletters or mailing lists. The project started in autumn 2006. Recently in January 2009 it has improved its appearance and functionality with multimedia elements and Web 2.0.
Traficantes de Sueños (Dreams Traffickers). associative bookstore, publisher, wholeshare, design workshop.

Traficantes de Sueños (Dreams Traffickers). associative bookstore, publisher, wholeshare, design workshop. -

"Traficantes" was born for the purpose of being a a meeting point for discussion and debates about the diverse realities of social movements. Trying to move beyond this area, they try to contribute their bit to enrich the discussion, sensitivities and practices that seek to transform this state of affairs. To do this they built an associative bookstore, a publisher and a wholeshare point which cooperates with alternative distribution networks.
Dreams traffickers use the web primarily to provide news and announcements, but in a near future they expect to use the ezPublish online store. The site also cover and differentiate the three parts of the project. To note they publish all of its titles with Creative Commons licenses and copyleft.
Agresta, Sociedad Cooperativa Madrileña

Agresta, Sociedad Cooperativa Madrileña -

Agresta is an environmental consulting specializing in forestry, engineering in the natural environment and impact studies. Formed by a multidisciplinary team of over 30 professionals, graduated in mountain engineering , topographic engineering, bachelor degrees in biology and geography, and management and organization of natural tesources and landscape technicians. With a solid professional experience gained since 2000, their work focuses on the implementation of projects, studies, advice and reports, as well as the supervision and direction of environmental works throughout the country.
The website, launched in 2008, tries to pick up the extent of work done by Agresta to many customers in its years of operation. As challenges, connect with other applications such as billing and project management.
Remesas y Desarrollo

Remesas y Desarrollo -

REDES, Remesas y Desarrollo is a project that works for 2007, 2008 and 2009 to promote the socioeconomic development of the Andean countries of Latin America, in particular Ecuador, through the promotion of productive use of remittances from its nationals living in Europe and help to prevent illegal immigration due to a lack of opportunities and encouraging, while the return of those who are out with a viable rehabilitation project. All this, through the action in transnational network of different social, economic and public administration, from two regions: Latin America (Andean region) and Europe (Spain).
The project aims to create networks and validate a sustainable model of cooperation based on the strengthening and creation of networks, primarily in the social economy, capable of articulating a productive use of remittances economic migrants send people to their countries of origin ensuring that some of the flows are directed towards the creation of self and the sponsorship of social development projects.
Plataforma SINC, Information Service and Science News Platform

Plataforma SINC, Information Service and Science News Platform -

After a year of working meetings to analyze the technical requirements with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT,, "SINC platform" was born in December of 2007. The goal of the website is to manage and produce current scientific information for the media, the scientific community and citizenship. Its effective operation begins on February 7th of 2008, when Deputy Prime Minister, Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega, and the minister of Education and Science, Mercedes Cabrera, presented SINC at the closing ceremony of the Spanish Year of Science. The platform has a statewise scope and a vocation for public service and is based on a free software tool (eZ Publish). Content produced by the SINC team, composed of journalists and researchers, have a Creative Commons license, and can be reproduced in whole or in part, provided acknowledgment of SINC.
Cartografía de Área Ciega

Cartografía de Área Ciega -

Área Ciega (Blind Area) is a mixed group of architects and activists whose aim is to register, investigate and map the generation of resistance spaces in contemporary cities, real processes that regenerate and change daily the cities we inhabit; areaciega, because what we are looking is located in the blind spot of power, the visual angle that is not directed his gaze of Polyphemus: the processes of self-organization and collective truly anonymous founded the public spaces of the city, namely freedom, autonomy, creation, experimentation and dissent.
Areaciega develops the work that is linked to the center of contemporary culture Arteleku (San Sebastian). Since June 2005, the group's activity is part of a wider network of research on city, the Metropolitan Center. moved to the web the relationships of Área Ciega.
Cuarto Canal Group

Cuarto Canal Group -

The Cuarto Canal group is a firm of communication services and specialized media content in the realization of journalism, business magazines. It also offers consulting services for communication and press office. It comprises a group of professionals with extensive experience in the publishing world both general and specialized media and communication agencies. At the head of the group is Carmen Christopher Sillero, which has an experience of over 25 years and has been director of publications at several publishing houses, a post that has given him a deep understanding of all the intricacies of the publishing world from the creation, editing, production, to distribution, both print and online. In this case, appears as its technological partner of reference. At present we are working to extend the web by including a blog to post all kinds of multimedia content.
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