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creating site with iphone adn ipad support

creating site with iphone adn ipad support

Friday 06 May 2011 11:20:05 pm - 4 replies

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Saturday 07 May 2011 1:27:52 pm

Hello Akhilesh,

I would recommend first using the latest release of eZ Publish (as there is better iphone/ipad detection in more recent ezoe releases).



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Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh

Saturday 07 May 2011 3:30:14 pm

Hi there

It depends. Is it three different websites? Or the same website but in different versions? I guess it's more the second case. So the best would be to have one single admin interface.

But regarding the management of the different content there are several ways:

  1. as you said you can use different attributes, one for each version of the website.
  2. the best way, but not possible now until eZ Systems add the feature, would be to be able to create a channel for each version of the website.
  3. a workaround point 2, if you only have one language, is to create two custom languages but instead of being real languages you would name them 'ipad', 'iphone', they would all be clones of the language, the real language, you are using. Then when you create a new page you create it as 'eng-GB' (or the language you are using), and you can translate it to 'ipad' or 'iphone'. Then you create a siteaccess for each version and configure the INI files to assign each of them their own language between the three you selected.
  4. at the root of your content structure, create 3 folders: 'normal', 'ipad', 'iphone'. Each of them will be the root of their related website. Then you configure site.ini and content.ini to use their respective NodeID as IndexPage and RootNode

Akhilesh Singh

Wednesday 11 May 2011 1:50:29 am

Hello Friends thax for the replay and sorry for delayyyy.

Heath: I am using eZ 4.3 currently. should i switch to some other.?
This idea of creating iphone site as an different siteaccess taking an example of language site is prety good will implement it an check it.

thank you,

paul bolger

Friday 01 July 2011 4:24:04 pm

Does anyone know which versions do support ezoe on the ipad? This version (the community site, running 4.4 i think) doesn't

Paul Bolger

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