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Flash within an article!

Flash within an article!

Monday 12 July 2004 6:07:40 pm - 9 replies

Author Message

Sandra Parente

Tuesday 13 July 2004 2:04:13 am

You must add the swf extension to RewriteRule string in your Apache VirtualHost configuration, like in this example:

RewriteRule !\.(gif|css|jpg|png|swf)$ /path/to/index.php

Remember to restart Apache for applying the changes.

Sandra Parente

Jorge estévez

Tuesday 13 July 2004 11:51:02 pm

Thanks Sandra,

This is what I have done:

Added the rewriterule (offline)

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "C:\web\site3"
    ServerName site3
    ErrorLog logs/site3-error_log
    CustomLog logs/site3-access_log common
RewriteRule !\.(gif|css|jpg|png|swf)$ c:\web\site3\index.php


Inserted the flash in my database
In my article I call the flash : <object id="xxx">

But It cannot be seen, the code of the pages looks like this:

<object codebase=",0,0,0" width="150" height="75">
<param name="movie" value="/index.php/holahabana/content/download/468/3579/latinbanner.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="play" value="" />
<param name="loop" value="" />
<embed src="/index.php/holahabana/content/download/468/3579/latinbanner.swf"          quality="high" pluginspage="" width="150" height="75" play="" loop="" >

I do not understand the following code:


It just doesn't work at all, it only displays a white box (with width and height of the flash object), but cannot be seen at all, and as ussual the browser keeps on trying to load the flash...


Diseño Web Cuba
Web Design Cuba

Sandra Parente

Wednesday 14 July 2004 8:18:48 am

It is the template:

If you see the code, there is "content/download/" ; it must be "content/view".

Try to change it and let me know if it works.

Sandra Parente

John Mina

Monday 02 August 2004 12:55:50 am

I thought i have to write the ReWrite rules in the unix shell i have ?

Any comments please?

Clay Pereira

Monday 02 August 2004 8:10:36 am

Check to see if anonymous user has rights to view the media secton. I had the same problem.

Alexandre Cunha

Monday 27 September 2004 5:23:01 pm


I have the same problem but i can see the flash only in the admin interface.
Have checked the permissions.
The sugestion to replace "content/download/" with "content/view/" is not valid.

I dont have a solution, but i found this:
in the flash.tpl, with


i can see the flash file, but if i have


the flash file doest show.

Any sugestion ?

Sandra Parente

Tuesday 28 September 2004 12:46:53 am

I've had this problem too with a new site created with 4.1 version with a lot of flash files to be displayed.
I must tell you that on this server they have Apache 2, so I think that this strange behaviour can be due to this.
First of all I noticed that in another site without the swf extension in the RewriteRule string of Apache VirtualHost configuration, flash files worked perfectly,
so I changed it again for my site and the flash files appeared magically.
Second, I tried to embed flash files created in the Media section within articles, but again I could not see them.
So I created the flash files in Content section, and then embedded them, and now they are perfectly visible.
Of course the problem is dynamic tree navigation, but I don't have any solution for that.

Hope I've been of some help...

Sandra Parente

Sandra Parente

Alexandre Cunha

Tuesday 28 September 2004 3:46:28 am

Thanks for the tip Sandra !

Have moved the swf object from the media section to the content section and now the swf appears on all articles and folders in the front site.

This seams a bug in the ezpublish.

Ronnie Garcia

Wednesday 09 August 2006 6:51:48 am

Double check your roles and permissions.
Anonymous users must have read access to the Media section <b>and</b> to the Flash content class you created.


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