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I read all about ez performance, but admin part is slow...

I read all about ez performance, but admin part is slow...

Tuesday 05 December 2006 5:58:54 am - 11 replies

Modified on Tuesday 05 December 2006 5:59:52 am by Stan Cheredov

Author Message

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 06 December 2006 2:40:39 am


Your template processing takes a lot of time ( 5.2881 sec ). I'm suspecting that you content tree it too big. You can reduce amount of item in content tree via INI file settings/contentstructuremenu.ini . Place overrided file in your admin siteaccess. Make also sure that permission to var folder are correct.

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Stan Cheredov

Wednesday 06 December 2006 3:12:47 am

Lukasz, thank you for you reply!

I found some part of a poblem: several week ago i installed "[eZjaxx] Ajax Admin" extension. It description say: "A Ajax / speed up extension for eZ Publish 3.8 / 3.9, more:" But it is slower! I uninstall it and now the refresh time page is 2-3 sec. Browse other page 4-5 sec. I have about 100-150 objects in the content tree. It is normal refresh time ?
I think if i enable all caches, refresh time must be less 1 sec. Why admin interface make more 146 SQL queries and a template processing time 2-5 sec if i enabled all caches ?

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 06 December 2006 3:24:04 am

content/view/full/2 in admin usually takes around 12 SQL queries on cached site. How many queries do you have when content structure menu is collapsed?

You have also typo in


It should be ViewCaching=enabled and TemplateCache=enabled

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André R.

Wednesday 06 December 2006 3:41:54 am


what version of eZjaxx did you use ?
And how big site is this ?

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Stan Cheredov

Wednesday 06 December 2006 3:53:56 am

<i>Lukasz Serwatka:</i>
How i wrote above, i have 146 SQL queries for a page refresh. And admin site access have:

 ViewCaching  	   siteaccess  	"enable"
 TemplateCache   siteaccess   "enable"

I copy this from "setting view" of plain_site_admin site access

When i collapse the content tree, number of SQL query is 35, and refresh time less 1 sec. Why content tree doesn't cached ?

I don't undestand parameter CachedViewPreferences, may be it is wrong ?

 CachedViewPreferences  	 siteaccess
[full] admin_navigation_content=0; admin_navigation_details=0; admin_navigation_languages=0; admin_navigation_locations=0; admin_navigation_relations=0; admin_navigation_roles=0; admin_navigation_policies=0; admin_navigation_content=0; admin_navigation_translations=0; admin_children_viewmode=list; admin_list_limit=1; admin_edit_show_locations=0; admin_leftmenu_width=10; admin_url_list_limit=10; admin_url_view_limit=10; admin_section_list_limit=1; admin_orderlist_sortfield=user_name; admin_orderlist_sortorder=desc; admin_search_stats_limit=1; admin_treemenu=1; admin_bookmarkmenu=1; admin_left_menu_width=13

<i>André R.</i>
eZjaxx version is
"eZjaxx extension 0.3"
site have about 100-150 objects

André R.

Wednesday 06 December 2006 4:02:08 am

ok, yes 0.3 where quite experimental.
Somewhere around version 0.7 and 0.8 I did a lot of changes to that menu because of poor performance on some systems.

So if you could take a couple of minutes testing a newer version, that will probably help a lot!
And could you also post back with feedback about this?

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Stan Cheredov

Wednesday 06 December 2006 4:33:19 am

I download "eZjaxx extension 0.9" and inslall it.
With out it i have page refresh time about 4.7 sec, with it - 3.8 sec. But in std. content menu when i expand node - it is instanly, but with eZjaxx it proceed about 1-2 sec (node have only 2-3 objects! )

André R.

Wednesday 06 December 2006 5:32:58 am

Thats because ezjaxx is a ajax menu, elements not shown when you load the page is dynamicly loaded with ajax / xmlhttprequest in the background when you click expand (+).
Without it, every single node of the node tree is loaded on each page load, a really bad idea on large sites(really huge (x)html tree, and quite heavy on the database side to).

I / Paul or others willing to contribute will look into speeding up the expand function in the future. (by doing the sql calls directly with eZDB and avoid using the template system)

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

André R.

Wednesday 06 December 2006 5:47:08 am

oh, and one other thing.
On production system this is more recommended settings:


If I remember correctly NodeTreeCaching is unnecessary when you have template cache/compile on.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Stan Cheredov

Wednesday 06 December 2006 6:42:07 am

Thank you, André R!

I try set


but a refresh speed not impoved.

But i transfered 60 nodes from main node to speshial folder, and now main node have only 10 nodes and i see a good speed up! Refresh page is 1-3 sec, and number sql queries decrease from 156 to 60. But i don't undestand why the content menu don't cached although i setup a full caching.

André R.

Wednesday 06 December 2006 8:05:00 am

The menu is cached by a cache block, so the next time you visit that node the menu will be loaded from cache.

Btw: CachedViewPreferences is not caching part of the layout if that is what your trying to do, I think it is for setting how preferences changes affects view cache.

Edit: have you remembered to change the settings Lukasz mentioned you had typos on ?

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

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