Is there any builtin video player extensions compectible for ez 4.3.0
Is there any builtin video player extensions compectible for ez 4.3.0
Sunday 27 February 2011 11:42:06 pm
- 5 replies
5 replies
Fraser Hore
Monday 28 February 2011 12:44:15 am
In collaboration with xrow I've created an HTML5 Video extension which is based on, but doesn't require, video js. I've been meaning to upload it to the projects section but haven't had a chance to make a version without my custom template code. I could possible get to it later this week. If you need it sooner I could send it to you directly as is.
Romeo Antony
Monday 28 February 2011 1:56:27 am
thanks a lot for your reply Fraser.
Can u please send it to me. Right now I am trying it to integrate to my site. My Id is romeo[.]antony@apexstuff[.]com
Doug Brethower
Monday 28 February 2011 6:26:37 am
Another possible approach to let visitors watch video without forcing anyone to download anything.
Developed for iOS devices. No Flash or video player downloads required. HTML5 capable is required.