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Plans for -- rfc

Plans for -- rfc

Friday 06 August 2004 2:04:57 pm - 13 replies

Modified on Friday 06 August 2004 2:41:03 pm by Paul Borgermans

Author Message

Tony Wood

Saturday 07 August 2004 12:17:32 am

Hi Paul,

Thank you for doing this. The pubsvn server is in-valiable and forms a good bedrock for community project development.
I like the sound of the ticket system and calender etc... nice. Plus the new is looking nice... Thanks.

Some comments.


1. A better categorisation mechanism for extensions.
2. A better search, keyword and naviagation system for extensions so that visitors can find the right extension quickly.
Guidelines for how an extension should be categorised should be given to ensure everyone uses the same format.
3. Guidelines for extension development and documentation. It makes sense for all extnesions to have common features in the way they are structured and documented. This should enable someone familiar with one extension to quickly understand another. I know the code currently gives a format but guidelines on function naming, passed parameters, variable naming and documentation naming and format would be useful.
5. Online linke to documentation for the extension so a visitor can view the doco before choosing the use an extension.
6. A feedback mechanism: This is useful for the author of the exntension as they can find out what people think and where to improve in the future. It is also useful for the community as people can see what other people think.
7. A version flag so people can see the version this extension works with... possibly a last update/maintained so people can see if an extension is maintained

Related information

1. Could there be an RSS feed with the latest commits to trunk and latest stable. Splitting the two is useful as I am interested in the trunk but when we are working on projects the latest stable is key to u
2. An expanded beginners guide to downloading using SVN.. (we can update on on eZ site)
3. Related SVN tools to make lfe easier (Again we will write this and send across)
4. Can we have "blame" enabled ;-)
5. A suggestion location where we can make suggestions for future enchancements to the environment.

Paul, Let us know if we can help in any way. Pubsvn is good for all of us and we should share the work.

-- tony

Tony Wood :
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Tony Wood

Saturday 07 August 2004 2:35:26 am

Hi again,

Paul, I have updated
I grabbed a copy for our site. Unfortunately I could not get the formatting right as "factbox_right" appears not to work (i.e align right) and "factbox" css is fussy in it's use.

Still all the information is there.

As it is GPL please can other members give comments and change so that beginner SVN users can find getting SVN code nice and easy.


Tony Wood :
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Tony Wood

Wednesday 01 September 2004 1:15:08 am


May I make a request.

Could you make two new "Top 100 lines from the svn log:", one for "trunk" and one for "3.4" (or latest stable).
This will enalbe people who are working on 3.4 project review changes that affect them in their current projects.

thanks in advance.

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Wednesday 01 September 2004 8:13:23 am


what do you think... should we maybe integrate my ezsvn extension. That way we can save the configuration/composition of our client installations in some global place.

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Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 01 September 2004 8:37:26 am

Out of interest how is the development of the portal going?


Paul Borgermans

Wednesday 01 September 2004 9:10:36 am

@Tony: ok, I added this to my todo list, little work ;-)

@Björn: uh? I should look more profoundly at your ezsvn extension, don't erally understand what you want

@Paul: i posted the url on irc a while back, didn't you see it?

Ok, it will listen to, but I may take it down if the traffic is too high before all optimisations are in place. Only two examples are posted: an action list and the gantt chart operator. There are some problems though, need to add a few things to make it work (setting up reverse proxies with ez publish is a bit like automutilation)


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training


Wednesday 01 September 2004 9:47:51 am*checkout*/community/trunk/extension/ezsvn/doc/screenshot_1.jpg*checkout*/community/trunk/extension/ezsvn/doc/screenshot_2.jpg

Well this extension helps to build one ez installation from "the sources". By by running a shell script I can manage to receive stable3.4 and some extensions/code from different servers. Once this script ran all my sources are ready.

It consists of one client and one soap server.

If we could archive that we setup this soap server in a global place, we and others would not have to bother setting up thier own server that serves the configuration.

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Paul Forsyth

Friday 03 September 2004 3:37:51 am

Would it be possible to put the design files (plus other relevant files) into pubsvn itself, and we can perhaps try to work together on it?



Friday 03 September 2004 4:34:38 am

I agree to Paul. We should try to work together rather then letting you do all the work.

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Paul Borgermans

Friday 03 September 2004 8:18:13 am

Hi there, I will do so, but the main effort will be not on the design, but the extensions and patches to the kernel first. Thanks for the offer!


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Paul Forsyth

Friday 03 September 2004 8:26:22 am

Thanks Paul,

I should have been more explicit. When i said 'design' i was really talking about the whole site, its functions - definitely not just the look of it...

If we do this we need to manage it properly with releases every so often....


Paul Borgermans

Friday 03 September 2004 9:15:00 am


First things first then. My ideas up to now are:

- create a simple ezpublish site which is able to show what you can do with (a selected set of) extensions
- write some docs on how to implement these extensions to serve specific goals (some extensions can be used for a variety of purposes, so i don't mean the docs on how to install it)
- show the implementations, as far as possible "live", while some functions showed may be .. well .. just screenshots
- temporary extension registry as to experiment on how this should best be organised (i don't like the current one on later on this can be ported to and just keep the showcase on pubsvn.
- (longer term goal): create one or more variants (ez publish with selected sets of extensions) that work out of the box. this is actually something i had in mind for a long time
- have a mini extension lanparty/workshop next summer in belgium with lots of beer and pretty girls. the more you code, the more you get beer. how much pretty girls you'll have around your neck depends on the quality of your code. we won't sleep for 3 days ... well you get the idea ... it's friday after all and we have a nice extension on the summer in Belgium with 28°C currently ;-)

rfc on extension registry, which extensions really deserve a showcase, any other conceptual matters...


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training


Friday 03 September 2004 10:08:49 am

<i>- create a simple ezpublish site which is able to show what you can do with (a selected #set of) extensions
<b>Yes, we could try to build our own release. Like stable 3.4.2 plus extesion x,y and z as a download. I would like like to see that we offer extensions as a seperate download. Each extension for its own.</b>
<i>- write some docs on how to implement these extensions to serve specific goals (some extensions can be used for a variety of purposes, so i don't mean the docs on how to install it)</i>
<b>Yes screenshots and docs are great. </b>
<i>- show the implementations, as far as possible "live", while some functions showed may be .. well .. just screenshots</i>
<b>Hmm don't like that idea, eZ changes too fast. I would prefer screenshots at first place laster on we can think about other stuff.</b>
<i>- temporary extension registry as to experiment on how this should best be organised (i don't like the current one on later on this can be ported to and just keep the showcase on pubsvn.
<b>I would say, someone creates the frist draft pubishes everything to svn (as an extension) and from there we go and improve. </b>
<i>- (longer term goal): create one or more variants (ez publish with selected sets of extensions) that work out of the box. this is actually something i had in mind for a long time</i>
<b>Isn't this like the first idea/item you wanted?</b>
<i>- have a mini extension lanparty/workshop next summer in belgium with lots of beer and pretty girls. the more you code, the more you get beer. how much pretty girls you'll have around your neck depends on the quality of your code. we won't sleep for 3 days ... #well you get the idea ... it's friday after all and we have a nice extension on the #summer in Belgium with 28°C currently ;-)</i>
<b>You are so bad :-) ... but I am open for it.</b>
My ongoing ideas:
- I really want to have the eZSVN onto this website too. I care about all matters.
- Create a extesion package handler and implement this into the trunk.</b>

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