Of course, you can even get the extension certified and get the possibility of selling it true our partner network. For some reading: http://ez.no/ezpublish/faq#certified_extension
I hope you don't take this the wrong way; however ...
I would like you to consider releasing your extension to the community that has given tirelessly to helping you succeed.
Looking over the contribution section, I see that you have not released any extensions in the past. How can you expect our community to grow with this mentality?
If you have a great extension you can sell it to the EzNow people; however, why not at the same time give back to those that have helped you.
I myself have sponsored many extensions that have been released to the community, coupon, ezauthorize, and soon to come a real-time shipping.
Please consider what others have given you.
Andreas Kaiser
Tuesday 03 April 2007 4:31:09 pm
Clay Pereira is right. Anyway if you will invest lot of money in the extension development it's logic to sell it...
I want to release all my extensions freely...except maybe for one. Its a payment extension that was really hard for me to devellopp and which is used on french online shops.
I think it can be justified to sell an extension that will be used in a commercial environement.
EZP is Great
Bård Farstad
Wednesday 04 April 2007 4:51:39 am
please contact eZ France to get this extension certified and you can work out a deal for selling this extension under a proprietary license or an open license with a subscription model:
In line with your discussion, would you be interested to take part in http://ez.no/community/open_funding/suggenstions_for_new_functionality/payment_gateways_pack then?
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