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WebDav in 3.5

WebDav in 3.5

Thursday 03 February 2005 12:07:52 am - 11 replies

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Balazs Halasy

Thursday 03 February 2005 7:53:06 am

Might be a faulty webdav client or that our code is not 100% correct (it happens :-). I suggest that you try it using Konqueror, CaDAVer or the latest version of M$ Winternet Exploder. If the same problem persists: maybe the user you're using doesn't have the required permissions/policies/etc.? What about file system permissions, is eZ publish allowed to create the files? Turn on the WebDAV debug logging and check what happens when you're trying to upload a file.. ok, that's about all the ideas I can come up with at this point. Good luck!


Thursday 03 February 2005 10:31:17 am

Thanks for the quick reply.
I've tested cadaver and it worked flawlessly, upload of images and folder creation worked great. The problem wasn't my setup but most likely bugged WebDav clients (Nautilus 2.8.2 and Windows Explorer Web folders in Windows XP).
Later I installed a linux tool called sitecopy to batch upload a whole bunch of images to my gallery via WebDav and it works great.

Siniša Šehović

Friday 11 February 2005 4:54:46 am


I have managed to setup webdav but can't add/create anything!??
What permissions I have to setup?

I'm logging to webdav as admin user.

Best regards,

If at first you don't succeed, look in the trash for the instructions.

Friday 11 February 2005 5:06:59 am

This is my WebDAV setup in Apache2

# WebDAV adresse som fungerer
DocumentRoot /var/www/ezroot
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ vhost
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ files
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/

<Directory /var/www/ezroot>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes ExecCGI
AllowOverride All

<Files ~ "\.php$">
AcceptPathInfo On

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule !\.(css|jar|js|html|php)$ /var/www/ezroot/webdav.php

In addition your webserver has to have support for DAV and DAVFS. I think Apache1 has a module called mod_dav.

Hope that helps.

Friday 11 February 2005 6:00:56 am

Are you sure that your webdav client is working properly?
Connecting with cadaver (a linux webdav client) :

# cadaver

I then get up a prompt

If I type the command ls i get the following listing
Listing collection `/': succeeded.
Coll: design_user 0 Feb 11 09:41

I the write the command cd design_user and get the following listing
Authentication required for eZ publish WebDAV interface on server `':

Type in your username (in your case admin) and next your passorword when asked.
If successfull you get the following listing

Type the command ls

Listing collection `/design_user/': succeeded.
Coll: Content 0 Feb 11 09:41
Coll: Media 0 Feb 11 09:41

Siniša Šehović

Friday 11 February 2005 6:02:07 am

Hi Hans-Henry,

Thanx for quick reply!

I can connect with IE and I can browse trough media and content.
Now I have problem with create.
If I create new folder I get error : Unable to rename ... ?!?

What is that?
I'm loged in as admin.

Best regards,

If at first you don't succeed, look in the trash for the instructions.

Friday 11 February 2005 6:43:38 am

What does your logs say ?

If you haven't enabled webdav logging do so by creating a webdav.ini.append.php file in your siteaccess/design_user/ folder.

Insert this into that file :

Now go read your logfile in your var/design/log/webdav.log file or maybe in var/log/webdav.log file

Siniša Šehović

Monday 14 February 2005 1:27:55 am


I don't see any errors or warnings in my logs.
When I try to create folder I get error that "New Folder" can't be renamed and what is strange, in admin drafts there is a created New Folder?!?

What is wrong?
Any ideas?


If at first you don't succeed, look in the trash for the instructions.

Monday 14 February 2005 1:45:08 am

This sounds like a faulty webdav client.
Have you tried another WebDav client besides IE ?

Siniša Šehović

Monday 14 February 2005 4:44:48 am


Yes I have! :-)

One client for linux and WebDrive for windows but same effect!

Realy don't know what else to do!:(

Best regards,

If at first you don't succeed, look in the trash for the instructions.

Monday 14 February 2005 5:39:23 am

Mmmmm, OK, I've tested some more WebDav clients and only cadaver in linux allowed me to rename folders. I guess maybe the WebDav support in eZ Publish needs a little more work

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