Ivo Lukac
Monday 20 June 2011 3:19:23 am
Hi, Did you try to put $category_name in the quotes?
roberto perata
Monday 20 June 2011 3:24:41 am
Hi, Did you try to put $category_name in the quotes?
Not in the fetch but in url: http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=attr_category_t:related&&fq=attr_category_t:"related"&fq=meta_path_si:69
Ivo Lukac
Monday 20 June 2011 3:49:36 am
When you filter some word, e.g. "foo bar", do you get all the results or you get the result with category like "foo bar and beer"?
roberto perata
Monday 20 June 2011 3:55:19 am
Exactly, that's the problem. If I filter "foo bar" i get also "fool" and "foo beer" etc
Ivo Lukac
Monday 20 June 2011 4:01:56 am
The problem is that ezfind uses "text" type for objectrelation attributes. The text type gets tokenized as any other free text field. To have an exact match you need to use "string" type which is basically used as one token. For that you have 2 options: 1. to set object relation attribute to use "string" via ezfind.ini 2. to create custom string based field in solr schema.xml adn use <copyfield> to populate it with content from original field(s) The first option is easier, but second is better ;)
roberto perata
Monday 20 June 2011 4:58:18 am
Thanks for help you mean someting like
<field name="attr_category_t" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/> in schema.xml ?
or in ezfind.ini DatatypeMapFilter[ezstring]=simpletext
roberto perata
Monday 20 June 2011 5:01:12 am
we are using ezfind 2.1
Ivo Lukac
Monday 20 June 2011 5:10:25 am
Thanks for help you mean someting like
<field name="attr_category_t" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/> in schema.xml ?
or in ezfind.ini DatatypeMapFilter[ezstring]=simpletext
Yes, just to note that "attr_category_t" is probably a dynamic name already given by ezfind so you should name it e.g. "custom_category_s" or similar...
roberto perata
Monday 20 June 2011 5:16:29 am
attr_category_t is the name of the field I'm filtering as it results from http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=*:*&start=&rows=50&&fq=subattr_category-ame_tag_t:"related"&fq=meta_path_si:69
Ivo Lukac
Monday 20 June 2011 5:30:33 am
attr_category_t is the name of the field I'm filtering as it results from http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=*:*&start=&rows=50&&fq=subattr_category-ame_tag_t:"related"&fq=meta_path_si:69
Ok. My comment was aimed for the second solution, if you make an additional field... But, anyway did you manage to solve the problem?
roberto perata
Monday 20 June 2011 5:42:03 am
Not yet, and the problem is also for a single word: Search for "foo" get also "fool" i've add <field name="attr_category_t" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/> to field list of schema.xml
Ivo Lukac
Monday 20 June 2011 5:51:02 am
Not yet, and the problem is also for a single word: Search for "foo" get also "fool"
That is weird... hm. Is that word ("fool") somehow concatenated or?
roberto perata
Monday 20 June 2011 5:54:26 am
Nope just a single word
roberto perata
Monday 20 June 2011 6:06:56 am
Yeahhh, it works, I had to change an article to re-indexing Thanks a lot
Ivo Lukac
Monday 20 June 2011 6:14:15 am
Yeahhh, it works, I had to change an article to re-indexing Thanks a lot
ROTFL Nice to hear :)
roberto perata
Monday 20 June 2011 8:35:33 am
Ooops one more question...
I'm albe to seach by url but I've to translate to ezfind fetch: http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=*:*&start=&rows=50&&fq=category_tag:"elated" category_tag is the custom name of my fild. So far I used filter based on <class_identifier>/<class_attribute>[/<sub_structure]:<value> but now it's related to my custom_attribute_declaration. fetch( ezfind, search, hash(
limit, 6,
subtree_array, array($canale_node_id),
ignore_visibility, false(),
filter, array('or',
array('and', concat('ame_content/category:"',$category_name,'"'),'published:[NOW-180DAY TO NOW]'), array('and', concat('ame_video/category:"' ,$category_name,'"'),'published:[NOW-180DAY TO NOW]') ),
class_id, array( 'ame_video','ame_content'), sort_by, hash(published, desc))) and now? how can I relate to new attribute? Do I have to switch to rawSolrRequest? rawSolrRequest
Ivo Lukac
Monday 20 June 2011 9:00:07 am
you can use the new attribute with 'attr_category_t' instead 'ame_content/category', you don't need to have 'or' either...
roberto perata
Monday 20 June 2011 11:40:45 pm
Well, thanks Ivo I solved my problem. I recap for those who could have the same question: The problem was that the text coming from a related object was tokenizen. That's because the default settings was "text" datatype instead of "string". I change schema.xml creating a new field call "foo" and copying into it the original field: <field name="foo" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" /> <copyField source="bar" dest="foo" /> then the fetch
filter, concat('foo:', $text_to_search), ......
Thanks Ivo Roberto
roberto perata
Thursday 23 June 2011 7:53:29 am
Ops it doesn't work...
it takes also results from other fields (attr_body_t). Is there a way to restrict the results anly to my custom field, actually my fetch is:
etch( ezfind, search, hash(
subtree_array, array($canale_node_id),
ignore_visibility, false(),
class_id, array( 'ame_video','ame_content'),
limit, 5, sort_by, hash(published, desc))) Thanks. Roberto
Ivo Lukac
Saturday 25 June 2011 3:15:57 am
Ops it doesn't work...
it takes also results from other fields (attr_body_t). Is there a way to restrict the results anly to my custom field, actually my fetch is:
etch( ezfind, search, hash(
subtree_array, array($canale_node_id),
ignore_visibility, false(),
class_id, array( 'ame_video','ame_content'),
limit, 5, sort_by, hash(published, desc))) Thanks. Roberto
Hi, Can you paste ezfind/solr request message (enable debug) so we can see what is going on?