After posting the question I made a test, and found out that
'filter', array( '-meta_class_identifier_s:(class_to_exclude)') was working ..;
I did not used the meta_class_identifier_s:[* TO *]
Nico O
Paul Borgermans
Monday 05 July 2010 1:55:16 pm
That works too in general: as long as a pure negative query is not the only filter query. Safest bet (with the current version of Solr) is to use the [* TO *] expression along the negative query. The next version of solr will allow it in all cases.
By the way, there is a typo on the example that comes with the ezfind.ini file. The example that shows how to exclude certain classes from apearing on the searchresult list is missing a 'm' it should be like this:
RawFilterList[]=meta_class_identifier_s:[* TO *] -meta_class_identifier_s:(folder article)
should be this instead:
RawFilterList[]=meta_class_identifier_ms:[* TO *] -meta_class_identifier_ms:(folder article)
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