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Is it possible to an XML text block to ezflow blocks?

Is it possible to an XML text block to ezflow blocks?

Wednesday 29 October 2008 1:36:34 am - 5 replies

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Wednesday 29 October 2008 2:13:37 am

you can samply add an attribute XML block in the class frontpage, add use it in your template as you wish.

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Arnaud Lafon

Wednesday 03 December 2008 7:28:59 am

Hi Kostadinka,

did you find a simple way to use XML text block in ezflow blocks ?

I'm currently working on a "custom attributes" handler, but this needs a small hack of the ezpage datatype...

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Kostadinka Ignatieva

Monday 15 December 2008 12:41:59 am

Hi, Arnaud, and thanks for your reply!

Unfortunately, I am no longer working on this task, but I will be very grateful if you could share your approach and maybe we can help each other later on.
I also think that with some modifications to the extension, this could be done. My initial idea, however, was to not change the extension a lot...

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tofik sahraoui

Monday 27 June 2011 6:14:48 am

any solutions to this?

Gaetano Giunta

Monday 27 June 2011 9:08:25 am

I fear at the moment the simplest you can do is create an xml block as attribute of the frontpage class, then use a custom template for your block that will display the xml-block gotten from the same frontpage object it is on. This is of course not very flexible, as you can not have as many xml blocks as the dynamically-added ezflow blocks in the page. You might use a content edit handler or workflow event to display the xml-block editor when editing the frontpage and storing the actual xml-block contents in some offline storage (ie. custom "holder" containers), but that would most likely be a lot of work...

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