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Installing eZ Newsletter in an existing site

Installing eZ Newsletter in an existing site

Tuesday 31 July 2007 8:56:54 am - 8 replies

Author Message

Tobias Struckmeier

Wednesday 01 August 2007 12:28:47 am


first it would be interresting which customizations you needed to do for postgres. Would be nice when you could send that info to me.

But back to your problem. When the newsletter sendout script is ran with the -s newsletter_editor parameter, it uses the siteaccess newsletter_editor to process the newsletters. But it doesn't know which is the url of the frontpage and ez publish doesnt have yet buildin functions supporting that.
So for the first you have to define that hostname by a setting in eznewsletter.ini.


So ensure that this is set. Important is that the overrides set up by the setup wizard are also available in your frontpage siteaccesses. If that doesn't help, please tell me how the links look like in the later mail.


Cuony Maximilien

Wednesday 01 August 2007 3:52:58 am


> first it would be interresting which customizations you needed to do for postgres. Would be nice when you could send that info to me.

Ok, just wait I found them back (I can't do this today)

For your solution: It's solved the problem of wrongs URL in mails, thanks, but when I test I changed the url to have the right ez Publish instance.

So it's fix one of a minor problem, but not the problem with false designs for the 'fre/gre/eng' site.


Tobias Struckmeier

Wednesday 01 August 2007 5:59:56 am

Have you activated eznewsletter_designs in your frontpage siteaccesses as extension and added it to the designlist for that access?

Of course you must check the overrides as well then.

Tobias Struckmeier

Wednesday 01 August 2007 1:30:08 pm

I added a task for writing this documentation to the issue tracker [1], you might want to subscribe to it. Its planned to be ready at the end of the month.


Cuony Maximilien

Wednesday 01 August 2007 11:37:43 pm

It's slowly begin to work ^^.

I added the extension list of the override of a normal eZ Newsletter site to the siteaccess of the frontend, and now I have the right design But :- I have to login with the admin account to access to the site.

- The page for an article or a newsletter are the default templates, not the personalised. But I think it's my fault, I follow a tutorial who said to move some templates, I will try to move back them. <b>Edit : No, I can't have rights templates with simply copy back the files...</b>

Btw, the account page work now :)

Cuony Maximilien

Wednesday 01 August 2007 11:54:21 pm

Here is my SQL code who <i>should</i> work :

CREATE SEQUENCE "ezmailimport_id_s" ;

CREATE TABLE  "ezmailimport" (
  "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('"ezmailimport_id_s"') NOT NULL,
  "mail_id"   int NOT NULL default '0',
  "attachment_filename"   text,
  "original_filename"   text,
  primary key ("id")


CREATE TABLE ezx_approve2_event (
 workflowevent_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 workflowevent_version INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 selected_sections varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 approve_users varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 approve_groups varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 approve_type INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 selected_usergroups varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 allow_add_approver INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 num_approve_users INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 require_all_approve INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 PRIMARY KEY( workflowevent_id, workflowevent_version ) );

-- Sequences for table EZX_APPROVE_STATUS

CREATE SEQUENCE ezx_approve_status_id_s;

CREATE TABLE ezx_approve_status (
 id INT4 DEFAULT nextval('ezx_approve_status_id_s'),
 contentobject_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 contentobject_status INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 approve_status INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 active_version INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 locked_version INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 locked INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 collaborationitem_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 locked_user_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 started INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 workflowprocess_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 event_position INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 required_num_approvers INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 PRIMARY KEY( id, step ) );

-- Sequences for table EZX_APPROVE_STATUS_USER_LINK

--CREATE SEQUENCE ezx_approve_status_user_link;
CREATE SEQUENCE ezx_approve_status_user_link_s;

CREATE TABLE ezx_approve_status_user_link (
 id INT4 DEFAULT nextval('ezx_approve_status_user_link_s'),
 approve_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 approve_status INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 approve_role INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 hash char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 message_link_created INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 user_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 action INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 PRIMARY KEY( id ) );

-- Sequences for table EZX_APPROVE_STATUS_USER_LINK
SELECT SETVAL('ezx_approve_status_user_link_s',(select case when max(id)>0 then max(id)+1 else 1 end from ezx_approve_status_user_link));

-- Sequences for table EZX_APPROVE_STATUS

SELECT SETVAL('ezx_approve_status_id_s',(select case when max(id)>0 then max(id)+1 else 1 end from ezx_approve_status));



CREATE TABLE ezlabel (
 owner_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 creator_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 created INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 name varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',


CREATE TABLE ezlabel_object (
 label_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 contentobject_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 creator_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 created INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 PRIMARY KEY (label_id,contentobject_id)




-- Sequences for table EZSUBSCRIPTION_GROUP

CREATE SEQUENCE ezsubscription_group_id_s;

CREATE TABLE ezsubscription_group (
 id INT4 DEFAULT nextval('ezsubscription_group_id_s'),
 status INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 created INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 creator_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 name varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 description text NOT NULL,
 subscriptionlistid_list text NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (id,status)



-- Sequences for table EZSUBSCRIPTION_LIST

CREATE SEQUENCE ezsubscription_list_id_s;

CREATE TABLE ezsubscription_list (
 id INT4 DEFAULT nextval('ezsubscription_list_id_s'),
 name varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 url_type INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 url varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 description text NOT NULL,
 allow_anonymous INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 login_steps INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
 require_password INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
 auto_confirm_registered INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
 auto_approve_registered INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 created INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 creator_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 related_object_id_1 INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 related_object_id_2 INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 related_object_id_3 INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 status INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 PRIMARY KEY (id,status)


CREATE TABLE ez_newsletter_subscription (
 newsletter_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 status INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 subscription_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 PRIMARY KEY (newsletter_id,status,subscription_id)



-- Sequences for table EZNEWSLETTERTYPE

CREATE SEQUENCE eznewslettertype_id_s;

CREATE TABLE eznewslettertype (
 id INT4 DEFAULT nextval('eznewslettertype_id_s'),
 name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
 subscriptionlist_list_id INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 contentclass_list varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 inbox_id INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 sender_address varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 description text NOT NULL,
 defaultsubscriptionlist_id INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 allowed_output_formats varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 allowed_designs varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
 digest_settings INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 related_object_id_1 INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 related_object_id_2 INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 related_object_id_3 INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 article_pool_object_id INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 status INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 created INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 send_date_modifier INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 creator_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 personalise INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
 Pretext text NOT NULL,
 Posttext text NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (id,status)



-- Sequences for table EZSENDNEWSLETTERITEM

CREATE SEQUENCE ezsendnewsletteritem_id_s;

CREATE TABLE ezsendnewsletteritem (
 id INT4 DEFAULT nextval('ezsendnewsletteritem_id_s'),
 newsletter_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 subscription_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 send_status INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 send_ts INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 hash varchar(32) DEFAULT '',
 bounce_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 object_read_ids text,
 object_print_ids text,



-- Sequences for table EZSUBSCRIPTION

CREATE SEQUENCE ezsubscription_id_s;

CREATE TABLE ezsubscription (
 id INT4 DEFAULT nextval('ezsubscription_id_s'),
 version_status INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 subscriptionlist_id INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 email varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 hash varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 status INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 vip INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 last_active INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 output_format varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 creator_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 created INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 confirmed INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 approved INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 removed INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 user_id INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 bounce_count INT4 DEFAULT '0',
 contentobject_id INT4 DEFAULT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (id,version_status)



-- Sequences for table EZ_BOUNCEDATA

CREATE SEQUENCE ez_bouncedata_id_s;

CREATE TABLE ez_bouncedata (
 id INT4 DEFAULT nextval('ez_bouncedata_id_s'),
 newslettersenditem_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 address varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 bounce_count INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 bounce_type INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 bounce_arrived INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 bounce_message TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,



-- Sequences for table EZNEWSLETTER

CREATE SEQUENCE eznewsletter_id_s;

CREATE TABLE eznewsletter (
 id INT4 DEFAULT nextval('eznewsletter_id_s'),
 name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
 hash varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
 output_format varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 template_to_use varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 send_date INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 send_status INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 contentobject_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 contentobject_version INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 newslettertype_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 category varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 preview_email varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 recurrence_type varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 recurrence_value varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 object_relations text,
 status INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 created INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 creator_id INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 pretext text NOT NULL,
 posttext text NOT NULL,
 preview_mobile varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 PRIMARY KEY (id,status)




CREATE SEQUENCE ezsubscriptionuserdata_id_se;

CREATE TABLE ezsubscriptionuserdata (
 id INT4 DEFAULT nextval('ezsubscriptionuserdata_id_se'),
 email varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 firstname varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 name varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 password varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 hash varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
 mobile varchar(255) DEFAULT '',



-- Sequences for table EZROBINSONLIST

CREATE SEQUENCE ezrobinsonlist_id_s;

CREATE TABLE ezrobinsonlist (
 id INT4 DEFAULT nextval('ezrobinsonlist_id_s'),
 value varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 global INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',


INSERT INTO ezsite_data VALUES ('eznewsletter-version', '1.5.0');
INSERT INTO ezsite_data VALUES ('eznewsletter-release', '1');

-- Sequences for table EZROBINSONLIST

SELECT SETVAL('ezrobinsonlist_id_s',(select case when max(id)>0 then max(id)+1 else 1 end from ezrobinsonlist));


SELECT SETVAL('ezsubscriptionuserdata_id_se',(select case when max(id)>0 then max(id)+1 else 1 end from ezsubscriptionuserdata));

-- Sequences for table EZ_BOUNCEDATA

SELECT SETVAL('ez_bouncedata_id_s',(select case when max(id)>0 then max(id)+1 else 1 end from ez_bouncedata));

-- Sequences for table EZNEWSLETTERTYPE

SELECT SETVAL('eznewslettertype_id_s',(select case when max(id)>0 then max(id)+1 else 1 end from eznewslettertype));

-- Sequences for table EZSUBSCRIPTION_GROUP

SELECT SETVAL('ezsubscription_group_id_s',(select case when max(id)>0 then max(id)+1 else 1 end from ezsubscription_group));

-- Sequences for table EZSUBSCRIPTION

SELECT SETVAL('ezsubscription_id_s',(select case when max(id)>0 then max(id)+1 else 1 end from ezsubscription));

-- Sequences for table EZSENDNEWSLETTERITEM

SELECT SETVAL('ezsendnewsletteritem_id_s',(select case when max(id)>0 then max(id)+1 else 1 end from ezsendnewsletteritem));

-- Sequences for table EZSUBSCRIPTION_LIST

SELECT SETVAL('ezsubscription_list_id_s',(select case when max(id)>0 then max(id)+1 else 1 end from ezsubscription_list));

-- Sequences for table EZNEWSLETTER

SELECT SETVAL('eznewsletter_id_s',(select case when max(id)>0 then max(id)+1 else 1 end from eznewsletter));


Cuony Maximilien

Tuesday 07 August 2007 8:01:15 am

Ok, it's work now. I had to make the sepecifics sections, and update the overide.

Tobias Struckmeier

Wednesday 08 August 2007 12:01:03 am

Ah yes the sections I forgot to mention. Thanks for the feedback.

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