florian bellenger
Thursday 18 December 2008 5:17:22 am
In fact, the content are not the same between the two databases. I also use the first website (and its database) to test new extensions or new templates. So, if I have a problem with the database of the first website, I don't want the second one to be concerned. Florian.
Gaetano Giunta
Wednesday 20 May 2009 6:14:23 am
This cronjob creates a package for every class, automatically bumping up the version only when classes are updated:
* Cronjob that will export all classes definition as a package file.
* Will only update the package if classes have been modified since last version
* @author G. Giunta
* @version $Id$
* @copyright 2009
* @todo add an ini file to get the parameters from
$packagename = 'classes_mysite';
$packagesummary = 'Export of all the classes of the website';
$packagecreatorname = 'eZ Publish';
$packagecreatoremail = 'gg@ez.no';
$packageexportdir = '';
// create or open existing package
$package = eZPackage::fetch( $packagename );
if ( !$package )
if ( !$isQuiet )
$cli->output( 'Creating package ' . $packagename );
$package = eZPackage::create( $packagename,
array( 'summary' => $packagesummary ),
false, false );
$package->setAttribute( 'install_type', 'install' );
$package->setAttribute( 'type', 'contentclass' );
$package->appendChange( $packagecreatorname, $packagecreatoremail, 'Package created' );
$lastsavedate = 0;
$packageversion = '1.0';
$lastsavedate = $package->attribute( 'release-timestamp' );
$packageversion = $package->attribute( 'version-number' );
// find date of last modification of classes
$classes = eZContentClass::fetchList( eZContentClass::VERSION_STATUS_DEFINED, true );
$lastmodification = 0;
foreach( $classes as $class )
if ( $class->attribute( 'modified' ) > $lastmodification )
$lastmodification = $class->attribute( 'modified' );
if ( $class->attribute( 'created' ) > $lastmodification )
$lastmodification = $class->attribute( 'created' );
// if no class has changed since last release, quit
if ( $lastmodification <= $lastsavedate && $lastsavedate > 0 )
if ( !$isQuiet )
$cli->output( 'No class has been modified since last package save. Aborting' );
if ( $lastsavedate > 0 )
if ( !$isQuiet )
$cli->output( 'Updating package ' . $packagename );
// we always increment the minor version
$major = substr( $packageversion , 0, strpos( $packageversion, '.' ) );
$packageversion = substr( $packageversion , strpos( $packageversion, '.' ) + 1 );
$packageversion = $major . '.' . ( $packageversion + 1 );
// the release date is set to last date of modification of classes
$package->setRelease( $packageversion, '1', $lastmodification );
$handler = $package->packageHandler( 'ezcontentclass' );
$classlist = array();
foreach( $classes as $class )
if ( $class->attribute( 'modified' ) > $lastsavedate || $class->attribute( 'created' ) > $lastsavedate )
$classlist[] = $class->attribute( 'identifier' );
$parameters = $handler->handleAddParameters( 'ezcontentclass', $package, $cli, array( $class->attribute( 'identifier' ) ) );
$handler->add( 'ezcontentclass', $package, $cli, $parameters );
$classlist = implode( ', ', $classlist );
$package->appendChange( $packagecreatorname, $packagecreatoremail, 'Added classes ' . $classlist );
//$cli->output( 'Added classes ' . $classlist );
$outputfilename = $packageexportdir . eZSys::fileSeparator() . $package->exportName();
$package->exportToArchive( $outputfilename );
if ( !$isQuiet )
$cli->output( 'Saved file ' . $outputfilename );
Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board