Modified on Sunday 01 February 2009 1:09:47 pm by Erland Flaten
1 reply
Erland Flaten
Monday 02 February 2009 6:26:49 am
By adding blue color to the element you see under and in the IE6 CSS exeption rules in: /extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/stylesheets/browsers/ie7lte.css
At least its not white text on white background on the blue theme of websiteinterface anymore.
But there still is a black background(?) on a element. Screendump at:
The black colour disapeares when mouseing in and out of the buttons, but I cant see where the black come from. It could be of course one of IE6 many outlandish renditions.
Erland Flaten
Lilllehammer, Norway
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