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Community versions upgrade path

Community versions upgrade path

Tuesday 09 August 2011 5:40:57 pm - 5 replies

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Ivo Lukac

Wednesday 10 August 2011 1:03:52 am

I confirm that this should be made clearer on the download page, as it can be confusing even for experienced users...

Robin Muilwijk

Wednesday 10 August 2011 11:38:03 am

Hi Paul, and Ivo,

I'll make sure to pass this on the the project board. I'm currently thinking of a short text describing an example like yours. "You are on eZ 4.4, what are my options in upgrading and how to do this". Would that help enough?

Regards Robin

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

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paul bolger

Wednesday 10 August 2011 3:44:14 pm

Hi Paul, and Ivo,

I'll make sure to pass this on the the project board. I'm currently thinking of a short text describing an example like yours. "You are on eZ 4.4, what are my options in upgrading and how to do this". Would that help enough?

Regards Robin

That would be good, and it would be really good to have 'super updater' packages so one could upgrade a few versions at a time, say in six month or one year hops. I tend to include a version upgrade in my clients' yearly hosting cost, and I can't imagine they would be that keen to be billed on a monthly basis for upgrades. Of course if someone were to write an auto-updater, similar to the Wordpress one.... I'd be prepared to pay for that, as it would save me a lot of time.

Beyond this though, I've just been looking for a clear explanation of how the Community Version release process works, and how the Community Versions relate to the old eZ packages, 4.4, 4.5 etc.

Paul Bolger

Damien Pobel

Thursday 11 August 2011 12:06:19 pm

Hi Paul,

You should look at the Release Policy which basically says the following :

  • one release per month
  • version number are Year.Month (the 04.2011 is a small bug here ;-))
  • the source code of the enterprise edition and the community edition are exactly the same, the EE edition has more QA before its release, but the fixes done during this step are also done on the community edition

The 04.2011 is in fact a 4.5 with some additional bug fixes since it was released just after (2 weeks or something like that).

I've upgraded my personal website recently from a 4.4 to the last community release and it was pretty simple, basically, I did the following :


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Nicolas Pastorino

Thursday 25 August 2011 2:46:22 am

Hi Paul, 

An overview of the build policy for eZ Publish Community Project is given here, as pointed to by Damien. It also shows how it is articulated with the Enterprise Edition. I hope this answers your initial question.

Also, as stated in the latest Community Project Board minutes, we will make available a visual map, on the Download page, guiding the version choices.

When it comes to upgrading between the Community Project builds, given that the timespan between builds is one month, the upgrade load is small and well documented. The idea of an automated or semi-automated upgrading tool, run every month, is good. I will bring this up in the next Community Project Board meeting. This will not replace, however, a functional tests handbook, run against the upgraded platform upon every upgrade (i know this is a commonplace, but worth mentioning).

Did this thread answer your questions Paul ?


Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
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