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3.9.3 Blog capability compared to wordpress, etc.

3.9.3 Blog capability compared to wordpress, etc.

Thursday 20 December 2007 12:10:27 pm - 10 replies

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Kristof Coomans

Thursday 20 December 2007 11:44:10 pm

Hi Ross

I believe eZ Publish can be used very well for blogging. There are some extensions out there related to blogging (see, ), and there's also Akismet spam protection ( ). Of course some of the existing tools will mature further when they get used by more people. I am myself planning to move from Wordpress to eZ for a long time, but never found enough time to make the move, but I'm sure one day I will. Feel free to contact me if you're looking for anything else. Good luck!

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Piotrek Karaƛ

Friday 21 December 2007 2:56:16 am

I think both eZ and WP have their strengths and weaknesses, and lots of issues would have to be taken under consideration when trying to choose the winner. When simply looking for blog functionalities, then for various reasons WP would probably take precedence. When customizing, integrating etc. come into play, than I'd expect the lead to shift towards eZ. WP is a dedicated great blogging tool, not a universal development framework - that would be the key difference in my opinion, with it's consequences.

I myself have just started a simple blog powered by eZ Publish, definitely not a robust solution, yet ;)

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Ross Kimbarovsky

Saturday 22 December 2007 9:29:33 am

Kristof and Piotrek, thanks very much for your comments. We are not deciding between eZ and Wordpress for the framework. eZ is our framework. However, we are trying to find the best way to handle certain features. For example, the forum capabilities in eZ were not mature enough and we have integrated vBulletin as our forum. We are thinking of doing the same for blog (integrating Wordpress for blogging). In looking at the documentation and the forum, it is difficult to find any discussion of the blogging features in eZ Publish.

I understand that extensions offer trackback and akismet seems to provide spam protection. But there are other things I wonder about, such as: word blacklists, IP ban lists, captcha, tagging, pingback, blogroll, protected posts, blog by email, multi-page posts, polls/surveys, comment moderation, RSS syndication, podcast feeds, etc.

Does anyone know if someone has listed the features in eZ Publish (3.9.3) for blogging?



Tony Wood

Saturday 22 December 2007 10:39:45 am

Hi Ross,

eZ Publish does not have the best bloggin in the world but it does have a very good integrated blog feature. With extensions you can get most things you need.

I have put the features into what I believe are the right boxes.

I hope this helps.

If you need new features suggest them in Open Funding and I am sure folks will add funds to improve bloggin.


<b>Yes supported out of the box </b>
- tagging
- protected posts
- polls/surveys
- comment moderation
- RSS syndication

<b>No not supported (development required)</b>
- word blacklists,
- IP ban lists,
- blogroll
- blog by email
- multi-page posts

<b>Extension supported</b>
- captcha
- pingback (think I saw this somewhere)
- podcast feeds

Tony Wood :
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Ross Kimbarovsky

Saturday 22 December 2007 12:04:51 pm

Tony - thank you very much. Very kind of you to help us assess the features!

If anyone knows where the pingback code could be obtained, we would appreciate it, as that is one of the key features for us (besides the blog basics).


Kristof Coomans

Saturday 22 December 2007 3:40:07 pm

I guess pingback is the same as trackback, or not?

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Marcus M.

Tuesday 15 January 2008 2:31:02 am

Hi Ross,

did you made a decision which blog software is suitable for you?


Betsy Gamrat

Tuesday 15 January 2008 7:52:07 pm


For blogging, you might want to check out:

Good luck!

Marcus M.

Tuesday 22 January 2008 8:43:24 am


maybe b2evolution is a good blogging software. But I'm looking for good solution to use blogging with ezPublish.

For the actual project I use the blog capabilities in ezPublish. On balance it is suitable for me.
Unfortunately I noticedd one little drawback. For me it is much more user-friendly to put the form for adding comments immediately below the comments overview instead of klicking on a button which displays a complete new screen. I have tried to write an own module but I noticed that the effort doesn't worth it.


Nate Parsons

Wednesday 19 March 2008 9:11:50 am

Hey Marcus,

Check out this link for a guy who's done exactly what you wanted with the comment form right below the posts:

Using our fellow eZ crew member Kristof Coomans' powercontent extension, we recently enhanced the blog commenting feature on The powerful eZ Publish versioning system (see the documentation or an article about it) means that there was a "New comment" button on each blog post. However, we wanted to put the comment forms directly on the blog post pages. And while we were at it, we decided to make a few more minor tweaks to the blog...

Hope this helps!


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