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About user editing folder in front web

About user editing folder in front web

Thursday 05 May 2011 7:28:20 am - 6 replies

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Ivo Lukac

Thursday 05 May 2011 1:49:04 pm

There is an extension for this:, but very old. It should be rewritten for newer eZ versions.

Basically you need to trigger a workflow after user registers which creates a folder and applies a specific role to the user so he can create images.

Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh

Monday 09 May 2011 4:01:33 am

You can achieve this using the existing after-publishing trigger bound to a multiplexer workflow. Then the multiplexer would upon publishing of a 'user' object call a custom workflow which in turns calls a custom workflow event with this:

function execute( $process, $event )
    $parameters = $process->attribute( 'parameter_list' );

    // Retreive object info from the parameters
    $objectID = $parameters['object_id'];
    $object = eZContentObject::fetch( $objectID );
    $nodeID = $object->attribute( 'main_node_id' );
    $parentNodeID = $object->attribute( 'main_parent_node_id' );
    $datamap = $object->dataMap();

    // the user account being created 
    $userAccount = $datamap['user_account']->content();
    $userLogin = $userAccount->attribute('login');

    $params = array();

    // Node ID of the parent folder where to create the user personal folder
    // Best is to store that in an INI file
    $params['parent_node_id'] = 637;
    $params['class_identifier'] = 'folder';

    // The creator id is set to the user id
    $params['creator_id'] = $objectID;

    // attributes for the created folder
    $attributesData = array();

    // Set the name of the folder to the name of the user
    $attributesData['name'] = $object->attribute('name');
    // Set the short name to the user login
    $attributesData['short_name'] = $userLogin;

    $params['attributes'] = $attributesData;

    $db = eZDB::instance();
    $folderObject = eZContentFunctions::createAndPublishObject( $params );

    // In the user class, you can add a new attribute of datatype Enhanced Object Relation:
    // This can help to locate the user's personal folder
    $userFolderAttribute = $datamap['related_diagram_repository'];

    // Resetting default relation
    $fromObjectID =(int) $object->attribute('id');
    $contentClassAttributeID =(int) $userFolderAttribute->ContentClassAttributeID;
    $contentObjectVersion =(int) $object->attribute('version') + 1;
    $db->query( "DELETE FROM ezcontentobject_link WHERE from_contentobject_id='$fromObjectID' AND from_contentobject_version='$contentObjectVersion' AND  contentclassattribute_id='$contentClassAttributeID'" );

    // Set relation to the user's Folder
    $object->addContentObjectRelation($folderObject->attribute('id'), (int)$object->attribute('version'), $userFolderAttribute->ContentClassAttributeID);


    return eZWorkflowType::STATUS_ACCEPTED;


Albert Balagueró

Tuesday 24 May 2011 9:53:37 am

Hi to all,
thanks for your responds.

I've tried with personalfolder (I have done it one year ago and it worked) but it does not seem to work. I think that it is a problem with the "patch" files that I must copy to kernel/users. I don't reach to undertand what I'm doing wrong.

For the second option, how I link the workflow code to the trigger, I'm really new in eZ and I don't reach the way to do it like you told Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh.
Please, I will really apreciate I you would you show me the steps, one by one, to do what you said.

Sorry for may bad english...

Thanks a lot to all!

Albert Balagueró

Tuesday 24 May 2011 9:56:46 am

Sorry, and another question, where do I must put the above code?


Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh

Tuesday 24 May 2011 12:41:56 pm

Hi there, (what's your name by the way?)

I'm pretty busy these days so won't be able to fully help you with this, but I wrote a tutorial on how to create workflows, so please have a read at it and learn workflows as they are a pretty important eZ Publish feature. If you still have issues, I will try to give more help later.

Albert Balagueró

Tuesday 24 May 2011 12:53:03 pm

Ups, sorry, my name is Albert,
if tried yet this tutorial but I'm going crazy, I don't know if I'm doing well all the steps, I don't reach the solution, I think I have a problem understanding the order of workflow creation.

I continue to try.
Thanks anyway.

I really apreciate your comments.

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