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Articles: How To Choose An OS CMS & reviews

Articles: How To Choose An OS CMS & reviews

Wednesday 25 January 2006 5:26:36 pm - 4 replies

Modified on Wednesday 25 January 2006 5:27:18 pm by Bruce Morrison

Author Message

Sandro Groganz

Thursday 26 January 2006 12:49:39 am

I already did that in his blog as a comment and in the OSCOM mailinglist, stating:

"eZ publish goes beyond dynamic content storage as it also allows you to
define new content types at run-time in the admin interface. In eZ
publish, content definition is part of content management.

Hence, no need to create new modules just to store a new type of
content, no need to do programming there. In eZ publish extensions, you
define new views/designs/templates and business logic, not new content

This significantly reduces the amount of extensions you need to program.
Nevertheless, there are over 300 contributions available online, and
they are Open Source:"

Sandro Groganz
Chief Knowledge Officer

Jonny_B Black

Friday 27 January 2006 11:28:31 pm

What's btw TYPO3? I've already heard about it before...

And what's OSCOM?

kracker (the)

The Doctor

Sunday 12 February 2006 12:35:24 pm

(re: above) This _RADIO_EDIT_ is still registered ? Why is this not a banable offense?
I mean I'm not that great but at least I'm not using these forums to increase a site's search rank ...

Prime Example!

Delete that user's messages and user account or at least delete the signature ;P

mc chris - stop time

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Sebastian Picklum

Sunday 12 February 2006 12:49:57 pm

Typo3 is another "big" OS CMS. I believe there are more Typo3-driven sites out there than eZ P based ones. But that's only my opinion.

I administer a server that has one Typo3 installation. I personally hate this piece of software (I'm glad that another person has to maintain Typo3). The admin interface is not user friendly and for every piece of content you need to get plugins which are absolutely limited compared to eZ Publish.

And don't get me started on TypoScript... ARGH! :-)

:-) Sebastian

PS: Currently tweaking some things in Typo3 because our Typo3-guy isn't here...

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