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eZ Performance, table locks and dedicated sql-server

eZ Performance, table locks and dedicated sql-server

Thursday 15 September 2005 3:05:57 am - 13 replies

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Gabriel Ambuehl

Thursday 15 September 2005 4:33:41 am

In any case, you should use a MySQL table type that supports rowlevel locking, so it can't be the table locking bottleneck. I THINK InnoDB supports that, check on the site.

In general, it's always a good idea if DB can be run out of RAM (i.e. the DB should fit into RAM, better twice the RAM ;). When the system has to page, you've lost.

Also, make religious use of all sorts of caching and a PHP accelerator.


Eivind Marienborg

Thursday 15 September 2005 4:46:41 am

Thanks for the input :)

And eZ supports innoDB?

And I also have to increase the amount of RAM? Hehe, my project manager (who controls our money) is gonna love this ;)

We're installing a php acclerator as soon as we find time. We were hoping to get Zend, but the only price I'm able to find at their website is about $1200 pr year.. Can this be right? Or have I've been looking at the wrong product?

Gabriel Ambuehl

Thursday 15 September 2005 4:54:40 am

The apps in general don't care one bit for the table type you use, it should be mostly transparent to them.

Get eaccellerator. It should do the job and is free (some benchmark claims it's even a bit faster than Zend's product). But some more RAM might help, depending on memory usage, of course.


Ɓukasz Serwatka

Thursday 15 September 2005 4:56:41 am

Yes, eZ publish supports InnoDB tables.

Check OpenSource PHP accelerators:




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Eivind Marienborg

Thursday 15 September 2005 5:01:41 am

Hmm, I just have to make sure I've gotten this right.

InnoDB is an alternative to mysql. An, as it seems, a better one. Why isn't InnoDB default in the eZ installation? (I can't even remember seeing it as a displayed option on installation..?)

Hans Melis

Thursday 15 September 2005 5:29:50 am

InnoDB is a storage engine in MySQL, just like MyISAM (the default type) is.

eZ publish 3.6.0 and above can use the InnoDB storage engine and its transaction capabilities.

Use bin/php/ezconvertmysqltabletype.php to convert your existing MyISAM tables to InnoDB and then edit the DatabaseSettings in site.ini to enable transactions.

If you make a clean 3.6 install and your MySQL supports InnoDB, eZ publish will use InnoDB by default.


Eivind Marienborg

Thursday 15 September 2005 5:32:52 am

Aha :)

Is there any way to check which storage engine I'm currently using?

Hans Melis

Thursday 15 September 2005 5:40:56 am

Certainly :)

If you're just concerned about the tables used by eZ publish, simply run the ezconvertmysqltabletype.php script with the --list parameter.

php bin/php/ezconvertmysqltabletype.php --list


Eivind Marienborg

Thursday 15 September 2005 6:06:37 am

Ah, great :)

All tables are already InnoDB. Does this mean that table locking can't be an issue in my case? Are there any other ideas as to what may be causing my problems..?

Gabriel Ambuehl

Friday 16 September 2005 1:02:32 am

It shouldn't be table locking then.

I'd monitor the RAM usage on your machine. Generally load sky rockets when it starts to swap.


Eivind Marienborg

Monday 26 September 2005 9:02:12 am

It does indeed seem to be a RAM issue. The amount of free RAM drops down to about 6000k whenever a user edits their profile, and shoots up to 100.000k+ when they're done.

We have some custom made extensions in relation to the profile editing, so what I need to do is find out which part of it is eating the RAM. Is there any way of tracking this?

Gabriel Ambuehl

Monday 26 September 2005 2:21:15 pm MIGHT help.


Bruce Morrison

Monday 26 September 2005 4:47:45 pm

Hi Eivind

I've seen the behaviour you describe on some heavily loaded sites that I take care of. What I think is happening is that when a object is edited the cached items all the way up the tree to the top node are removed and need to be regenerated, placing strain on the system.

I suspect but have not been able to confirm that on a heavily loaded site, multiple hits to a page result in eZ attempting to "create" the cached page multiple times, each instance taking up resources and bogging the system down.

SmartCacheClear is disabled by default and according to the viewcache.ini file:

# Controls the smart viewcache handler, use enabled or disabled.
# When the handler is disabled the system will clear the viewcache
# for the current object, its parent and children, related objects
# and objects with same keywords (if any).
# When enabled it will in addition try to follow the rules set in viewache.ini
# for more advanced relations between objects. e.g. to clear a forum
# listing when a new topic or reply is posted.

Configuration of this subsystem can help in these instances.

Also look at PreCache generation - in site.ini [ContentSettings] -> PreViewCache. Static cache generation may also be helpful.


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