eZWebin and eZ Website Toolbar used to be in related, I mean packaged in the same extension (ezwebin). A few months ago, the two have been splitted because people wanted to have the toolbar (for frontend edition) even without ezwebin installed.
eZ Webin is one of the base extensions for eZ Publish. In fact, it contains a lot of templates and operators, combined with content classes installed via packages. IMHO, this is a must have ! If you understand and respect the ezwebin standards (just study the various includes and the layout of ezwebin), you'll be much more efficient in developping eZ Publish websites.
.pkg files are .tar.gz files actually. I guess they use another extension to distinguish packages from regular tar files.
Finally, about related extensions, you might say that because you find ezwebin design templates in ezflow or ezfind. This is because eZ Publish comes with base extensions like ezwebin. So certified extensions like ezfind, ezflow (which shares ezwebin layout) or ezjscore come with templates for ezwebin in order to add features to base templates.
Thank you jérôme for taking some time to respond i am gonna dig inside ezwebin.
I find the multiplication of those "must have" extensions since 4.x pretty scary since i mostly use ezpublish in a multiple-siteaccess environment.
According to me or an extension is a must have then it should be in lib and kernel, or its not and you should be able to enable it on a per-siteaccess basis which is not the case (for ezfind for example).
The other bad thing is that there is no documentation about what an extension is doing, why its here, why it wasn't here before...etc.
In 4.2 extensions for example you don't know what ezjscore is suppose to do, if you really need to install it or not.
Well, if this is not packaged with the kernel, this must be because some people want to have a minimal install... About other extensions like eZJSCore, these are often dependencies or very useful extensions.
I agree that there is a real lack of documentation about this subject...
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