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Fetching class name and class identifier

Fetching class name and class identifier

Wednesday 14 December 2005 10:14:55 am - 27 replies

Author Message

Paul Forsyth

Thursday 15 December 2005 9:01:25 am

I guess you could look at the object version. Any new object will have version 1. Any edit will be greater than 1.


John Smith

Thursday 15 December 2005 10:07:36 am


I checked the same stuff. Not working paul.

If you create a new forum reply the version is one. fine. if you again go the forum reply you just created and try to edit the version will still remain 1 untill you edit it and send it for publiishing.

Am i right?

Paul Forsyth

Thursday 15 December 2005 10:18:36 am

Not quite.

It depends on how you are accessing the edit.

If you create a new object its an object id, say 99. This will have 1 version.

If you edit it, say by accessing /content/edit/99 a new draft will be created, which is version 2, and so on.

Play around with the object values to detect this correctly.


John Smith

Thursday 15 December 2005 10:39:21 am


thanks mate.



Jeroen Sangers

Wednesday 12 July 2006 4:05:39 am

I am also trying to get rid of the obligatory subject field in forum replies. I tried to follow the steps described here, but cannot get it to work. Can somebody post a complete and working example of edit_attribute.tpl?

Jeroen Sangers

Monday 09 October 2006 9:26:57 am

John or Paul, can you please post a complete and working example of edit_attribute.tpl????

Jeroen Sangers

Wednesday 11 October 2006 9:49:13 am

After trying out several solutions, I finally managed to get the subject filled in automatically. Just in case anybody is looking for the same thing, here is the final edit_attribute.tpl I used:

{section name=ContentObjectAttribute loop=$content_attributes sequence=array(bglight,bgdark)}
<div class="block">

{* only show edit GUI if we can edit *}
{section show=and(eq($ContentObjectAttribute:item.contentclass_attribute.can_translate,0),
                  ne($object.initial_language_code,$ContentObjectAttribute:item.language_code) ) }
    <label>{$|wash}</label><div class="labelbreak"></div>
    <input type="hidden" name="ContentObjectAttribute_id[]" value="{$}" />
    {attribute_view_gui attribute_base=$attribute_base attribute=$ContentObjectAttribute:item}
    <label{section show=$ContentObjectAttribute:item.has_validation_error} class="validation-error"{/section}>{$|wash}</label><div class="labelbreak"></div>
    <input type="hidden" name="ContentObjectAttribute_id[]" value="{$}" />
    {if eq($|wash, "Subject")}
        {def $parent=fetch( content, node, hash( node_id, $object.current.main_parent_node_id ) )}
            <input type="hidden" name="ContentObjectAttribute_ezstring_data_text_{$}" value="Re: {$|wash()}" />
            Re: {$|wash()}
        {attribute_edit_gui attribute_base=$attribute_base attribute=$ContentObjectAttribute:item}



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