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Huge database

Huge database

Saturday 11 July 2009 4:17:54 am - 9 replies

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Saturday 11 July 2009 4:34:38 am

Sadly the size is quite common.

Save your self some headache and simply adapt.

I've seen much larger sizes in GB of exports of active clean eZ Publish installation databases.

I suggest reading up on the php shell script, flatten.php and cleanup.php

These should help you reduce some database size.



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Christian Johansen

Saturday 11 July 2009 4:54:45 am

Thanks, I'll read up on them. 900MBs of database for a simple blog is insane. The size is not really a problem in terms of storage space, but it is causing me headaches in terms of backup. Takes too long to backup a copy of the database.

If I can't considerably reduce the db size I fear I'll migrate the site to another solution :(

Thanks for your help!

kracker (the)

The Doctor

Saturday 11 July 2009 4:58:31 am

Migrate to wordpress Christian which can be very small.

You will never get eZ to fit the size
of db I know your looking for.

Also your prolly using the content tree
to store comments for your blog
which is also a huge performance
problem just waiting to be understood.


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Karnichi Mohamed

Saturday 11 July 2009 5:49:49 am

Hi Christian,

As eZ Publish stores sessions informations in the database, you have to enable session.gc_probability so the expired sessions are purged:

so in your php.ini check if your have these parameters:

session.gc_probability = 1
session.gc_divisor = 100

If you look at your database size you will find that the ezsession table is huge !

For now you can truncate the ezsession table :

mysql >truncate table ezsession

or use the cleanup script

php update/common/scripts/cleanup.php session
php update/common/scripts/cleanup.php expired_session

Mo Certified eZPublish Expert

Max Keil

Saturday 11 July 2009 2:00:31 pm

Hi Christian,

can you tell us which of the tables causes such a large size of the dump? If it is ezsession then you should run clean up scripts like my previous writers told you - if it is ezcontentobject_attribute you may check the number of versions you store and the number of attributes in this classes.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Best regards

Max Keil

eZ Publish Gold Partner -

Christian Johansen

Saturday 18 July 2009 1:07:55 pm

I cleaned up the sessions, and wow. I mean, WOW! Incredible:

-rw-r--r-- 1 christian users 904M 2009-07-18 21:58 20090718-1.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 christian users  25M 2009-07-18 22:02 20090718-2.sql

That's pre and post session cleanup. Problem solved :) Thanks alot all!

Kracker: I'd be interested to know how you recon storing comments in the content tree is a problem? In what other way can I really store them? If you're thinking about the tree menu, I obviously don't show them there. I have quite a bit of content, and haven't had any real performance trouble yet...

kracker (the)

The Doctor

Saturday 18 July 2009 1:15:42 pm

Wow you sure proved me wrong. That's quite small.



Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Christian Johansen

Saturday 18 July 2009 2:10:29 pm

Yeah, I know. At first I was certain that my data had been corrupted, but it's still sane. Cool!

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out!

kracker (the)

The Doctor

Sunday 19 July 2009 11:40:19 am

I asked Heath to add a node about this topic on eZpedia,


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