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is it possible ?

is it possible ?

Saturday 13 March 2004 2:42:31 am - 2 replies

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Lazaro Ferreira

Sunday 14 March 2004 3:51:04 am

Hi Carlos

Of course that you can do that, with a little template programming

By default you get your dinamic content shown from module.resul_content

But if you want to get extra dinamic content for your page i.e: pagelayout.tpl

You may use the fetch data function of EZP

There is good example at ezp default folder.tpl, ( you got it with ezp corporate package )

You may get the folder.tpl, save it as your own template i.e news_front.tpl and include it in your pagelayout using the include operator (look at online doc for an example,also the standard pagelayout.tpl of ezp uses the include operator)

You do the trick passing a template variable with the number of the node of your news folder

You will have to replace at your news_front.tpl every '$node' ocurrence for your own variable i.e: $news_node

As the folder.tpl is prepared to show the content of any folder (the current folder), replacing the $node (current node) for your specific node number, will show the content of your folder no matter what page you are (i.e your home page!)

hope this help


That template show a list of articles,infopage,etc from an especific folder of your choice


c b

Monday 15 March 2004 1:09:16 am

Ok Thanks. Im testing now.

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