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New eZ site looks nice

New eZ site looks nice

Monday 05 December 2005 9:10:17 pm - 24 replies

Author Message

Paul Forsyth

Friday 16 December 2005 12:15:08 am

The edit button problem is probably due to this bug:

Gabriel Ambuehl

Friday 16 December 2005 7:57:15 am

The thing with the edit buttons is definitely a misguided cache block. I've seen it on some sites I've worked with and using per user cache blocks solves the issue (they aren't a particularly efficient solution though).


Xavier Dutoit

Monday 19 December 2005 2:22:48 am

After a few days, I've got two new issues and I'd like to stress a still unsolved old one.

1) please put the content/new link (I know it's on the the community forum) back in the toolbar where is was (it saves a click).
[update] The access to content/new is restricted to registered users. I simply open login et voila ! No need of a more direct link I think [update]

2) The name on the post list is the latest that posted. That is quite confusing for me as often, the title isn't enough to distinguish if it's a new post from someone new or an old one that got a new reply. I didn't realised that in my mind the identifiant of a post is title+name of the initial author until you changed the display. Please consider adding the column "original author" (or always put his/her name instead of the lastest who posted).

3) It still isn't possible to access another member privately. Please allow us to either so each other email or provide a contact form.

More generaly, you've got a lot of feature request sleeping in your bug thing. It would have been very appreciated to see they have been evaluated during your process of updating your layout. I'm obvioulsy not saying they should all be added, but just inform us this feature has been selected and will be implemented, this one not yet because lake of time...

Beside that, the menu is a great improvment. Did it decrease the number of pages request significantly sitewide ?


Ole Morten Halvorsen

Tuesday 20 December 2005 6:47:23 am

The edit buttons are all inside {$module_result.content} which should not be inside cache-blocks. The problem here lies with the viewcache.

1. Yes, /content/new is for registered users only (which I see you have discovered :)
2. I agree, it is a bit confusing now. Will be fixed.
3. Private messaging is definitely a cool feature we should have and hopefully more time will be allocated to implement cool stuff for the community after new years.

The design update was just that, a design update. Sadly, no time for features or other improvements was allocated during this process.

Regarding the menu, it's hard to measure the exact decrease of pageviews, but looking at the statistics I would say something like ~20k pageviews per. day.

Ole M.

Senior Software Engineer - Vision with Technology

eZ Certified Developer

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