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Problems with the workflow

Problems with the workflow

Tuesday 08 November 2005 5:03:59 am - 12 replies

Modified on Tuesday 08 November 2005 1:22:44 pm by Natalia Lillo

Author Message

Marko Žmak

Tuesday 08 November 2005 3:30:57 pm

As always, when asking for help on the forum, people cannot help you unless you provide them with enough information. Why don't you try copy-pasting the definitions of your workflows and triggers.

Try to provide more detailed information always when you ask for help in the forum.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Natalia Lillo

Wednesday 09 November 2005 4:44:47 am

Ok... I'm Sorry.
I use eZ 3.6

This is the information:

Workflow groups: Standard

Name Workflow:Entrada Aprobada Workflow

Affected sections: Standard

User who approves content:
Natalia Lillo (Administrator User)

Excluded users and groups:
Administrator users

content /publish /before Entrada Aprobada Workflow

Event: Event / Approve

And I run the job runcrobjob.php each 30'.

Now..., No appear none error, but the intranet continue to the same way , without changes....
what it's supposed it would should to do the workflow??
I want to know, Which are the steps for to create a workflow, I need to know if I'm doing it well...


Marko Žmak

Wednesday 09 November 2005 2:18:16 pm

What is exactly your problem?

The objects shouldn't appear after publish, but they do?

Is that right?

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Nathan Kelly

Wednesday 09 November 2005 11:26:07 pm

I think Natalia is trying to say something like this.

<i>"I create a workflow and then I connect it to a trigger, I follow all the steps to create a workflow, according to the documentation but the workflow doesn't work."

"My understanding is that if I create an object (e.g. Folder, Link, Article and so on) the object shouldn't be published until an administrator has approved it. Or have I misunderstood the concept of the workflow?"

"Am I creating the workflow correctly?"</i>

But I'm not really up on workflows so I have no answer.

I'm not having a dig at anyone here by the way, just trying to help a fellow eZp user get the most out of these forums, I thought this might help break the language barrier a little.


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 09 November 2005 11:37:53 pm

Natalia, in new documentation is very usefull document about workflows and workflow events. This will give you some light.

Short tutorial about approve workflow you can find here:

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Natalia Lillo

Thursday 10 November 2005 8:00:11 am

Yes Marko, that's my problem...
The objects appear before to be approved..



Note: Please accept my apologies for my English. I will try to make it better...

Natalia Lillo

Thursday 10 November 2005 8:09:42 am

Ok Lukasz, Thanks..

Natalia Lillo

Thursday 10 November 2005 8:33:19 am

Nathan, Can I ask you a question?
You speak and write spanish????.



Marko Žmak

Thursday 10 November 2005 3:10:50 pm

Some things you could check Natalia:

- is the node you're trying to publish part of the "Standard" section?
- is the user that is trying tu publish the content part od the Administrators group? Is it is, then it's logical that the content won't wait for approval, note that it's written "EXCLUDED users and groups".

These are some suggestions, that you should check first, maybe will solve the problem.

Also, check if the published objects appear in your Collaboration list in the admin interface.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Nathan Kelly

Thursday 10 November 2005 4:08:47 pm

Hi Natalia, no I only speak English, but I notice that these forums have a lot of users who's second language is English.

It seems that sometimes ideas and context can get lost in the translation between people who speak (Spanish plus English) and people who speak (Norwegian plus English) for example.

However because I only speak English I can understand what most people are trying to say regardless of how they say it. I know English is a very hard language to learn because there are so many mixed meanings.

Also as I said I don't mean to offend anybody, I just thought that if I could put your question into a format that everybody could understand you may have more luck getting an answer.


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Natalia Lillo

Monday 14 November 2005 6:45:17 am

Hi Marko,

- is the node you're trying to publish part of the "Standard" section?


Also, check if the published objects appear in your Collaboration list in the admin interface.

Nothing appear in the My Account/Collaboration in the admin interface.

- is the user that is trying tu publish the content part od the Administrators group? Is it is, then it's logical that the content won't wait for approval, note that it's written "EXCLUDED users and groups".

Well, I suppose so. I set the "User who approves content" to "Administrator User" and I set the "Excluded User and groups" to "Administrator User" in the admin interfce, then administrator' user create a node(e.g. folder, image,and so on), that's why the object it should to be creted for the editor's user for example and not for the administrator user?. Ok, I think understand you, Editor'user creates a node and administrator user approve it, I will try with this.

Well, thanks for your help, I will try to chek with other user...



Marko Žmak

Tuesday 15 November 2005 3:19:05 pm

So, did you have any luck with this?

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

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